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Horizons math--anything I should know?


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I've been doing Horizons K with my ds this semester. We have done 2 lessons a day because math is his strong suit, and I did an older, easier K program last year. I planned on doing BJU 1st grade next semester to give both methods a try with him. My sister has given me 1st and 2nd grade sets for Horizons. Since I have them, I figure I should use them. Is there anyone that has any experience with these grades? Are there any with negative experiences? Does anyone feel that it leaves important things out?


I have liked the K program fine, but I think he would be all right with any program since he's good in math. He's doing great at everything except the counting by 3's. I'm not too worried about that, though, since I really don't see the need for that at such a young level.


Thanks for any thoughts!

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If you use Horizons 1 and 2, I suggest supplementing with Singapore for mental math. Horizons does not teach mental math well at all (in my experience). I would also get Family Math or something that provides hands-on games. Most of Horizons 'manipulatives' are flashcards. I'm only sharing my experience, I know others will have different opinions but I just dropped Horizons 3 for a different program b/c I didn't feel dd8 was truly learning the math- she was just doing what she needed to without much absorption.

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I generally like Horizons but the TM becomes useless around 4th grade. You can use it to check answers but if you have a question about how to teach a concept, then you are on your own. I actually purchased a used Lials book and a used BJU book (both cost me less than $10/book) . When I need help explaining a concept, I refer to those books to assist me. Also, in the upper grades I do cross out some problems otherwise math can last a loooong time in my house. Both my kids test well in math.

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I have been very pleased with Horizons math. I've used it with DD from K and she is now nearing the end of the 4th grade book. The only think I find that I am going to supplement at this time is some more practice with word problems. At this time, I plan on continuing on to the 5th grade with her and using it with my DS (who just finished the 1st semester book of 1st grade).

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I think Horizons does more to make kids learn how to think later in the series. I think in the younger levels they focus on how to do computations & learning facts. (I do think Singapore has the best word problems though! But it didn't do enough to help my kids retain and really understand math. I've found my kids weren't ready for some of the ways of thinking about math at the younger ages but are now that they are older--and they each have come up with their own ways of doing math in their heads, very interesting!). The spiral method of Horizons has worked very well for us.


Merry :-)

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I am using Horizons 1 with Bailey. And Toby is going through Horizons K book 1 right now. I love this program so far, they are both learning a lot. The only thing I feel it lacks is guidance for the parent in how to teach certain new concepts that come up. But that might be because I did not invest in a teacher's manual and Gr. 1 math concepts aren't all that hard to figure out anyways, so it hasn't been a problem so far. I am going to continue with Horizons.

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Thanks for all the advice and experience. I have a math degree, so I feel comfortable teaching the concepts. My dd was in private school until 3rd grade and all own teaching experience has been mostly high school math. I guess because he is "mathy", I want to give him the best I can so that he'll be ready for whatever.


I think I could manage mental math by myself. As far as word problems, I could probably manage that some myself, and possibly find some online. The used book idea is a very good one.

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We used Horizons math for K and my son hated it. HATED it. He started out ok, but later just HATED it. We stopped about 2/3 of the way through when it became unbearable.


However, Horizons seems to work for many people. What I learned from the experience: if it works, great! but if your child is in tears during the entire lesson, scrap it and find something else. I wish we'd stopped closer to 1/2 way through instead of 2/3.


You'll be the only one to judge it.


It personally bugged me that they never taught that 2+2=4, they just taught that 2 plus jumping up the number line twice = 4. My son was completely bored by having to jump up and down the number line. For some reason it reeeally irked him and he HATED it. I'm guessing that later in the series they converted all that jumping into 2+2=4.


We use Rod and Staff now and he's doing fine and understands all the concepts and there is no more crying.

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Huge Horizons Fans here. My dd's seesm to be pretty strong in math so they actually do Horizons independently... the workbooks. I don't even buy the teacher's manual.


We also use Singapore US Standard textbook & workbook. Horizons is a stand-alone program, but I love the mental math concepts Singapore teaches and since MATH is such an important subject in our homeschool, we use both.


With your knowledge of math, if you don't like how Horizons presents a concept, just change it to your liking. As the previous poster said, I'm not a fan of number lines either per se... so if you know of a better way to teach something, DO IT.


Any curriculum can be modified by a good teacher. :)

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