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Yes. I totally hide my homeschooler in the basement...JAWM


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I had an interaction yesterday that really rubbed me wrong. Sherlock was involved in an "incident" at an activity related function. Sherlock has always struggled to fit in in this particular group which was chosen more because it aligned well with his brothers needs than his. But he participates. We were having a meeting with an adult leader re "incident" and leader said to son "do you have this issue at school? Oh never mind you're homeschooled so you don't really have to deal with peers" yup. He said that. Then helpfully suggested that we might want to seek counseling. .

My kid is involved in your group. And church youth group. And our homeschool enrichment classes. And karate. And plays D&D with peers. And no, he doesn't have this issue anywhere else ... just in your poorly run group. No, hes not super socially inclined. He never was. I tend to joke since we started homeschooling later that our kids arent weird because they're homeschooled... they're homeschooled because they're weird.

So anyway .... I'm super pissy about that comment. And I needed to get it off my chest. 

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Ugh. I'm sorry. That is really super annoying. And you should absolutely ignore his "advice."

I totally get you on the "my kids are homeschooled because they're weird" thing. I've said the exact same thing myself! My kids are who they are, and they would be those people in or out of school. I was public schooled K-12, and I'm still weird.

But I say that with all love and affection, and I'm certain that your children are perfectly lovely -- as are mine!! 🙂

The social thing always gets me. Just a couple of weeks ago, we had lunch with extended family, and FIL went on and on about how polite my kids are, how smart and articulate, what a wonderful job I've done educating them. And then proceeded to tell me I need to send dd to public high school "for social reasons."

This while the other two children at the table only looked up from their devices to complain about how long the food was taking or shovel it into their mouths, while mine carried on a pleasant conversation with the adults at the table for two hours.

Yeah, I'm not worried.

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It's so obnoxious. My kids were uber good in social situations when they were little. Very well-behaved, very polite, very kind, got along well with peers nearly always. Yet still, we'd get that nonsense sometimes. BalletBoy had a well meaning ballet teacher say something along those lines once and I really saw red. Like, yeah, my kid can be a little spacy. It has zero to do with homeschooling. He's just a little spacy! Some people are looking for it.

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Blargh! I got the same thing last week. From a piano teacher, who decided that it was the day to voice his concerns about "homeschoolers and how they can survive in the real world"  because they don't know how to interact with other people. I did one of those generic "Oh, there are plenty of successful people who have been home schooled" type of things and he said "Really? At public colleges, or are these just private colleges?" And I did a surprised "Both" but didn't even realize until after I was out the door that he was equating the "real world" with just college. And apparently private colleges need not apply! LOL Biggest eye roll. 

All of this was spurred by him saying he doesn't know how I keep up with 4 kids and having to take them to all of these [group] activities they are in. How did he jump trains so quickly???

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Grrrrrr.....sending hugs.   I am irritated currently by a couple of people who have always loved giving me useless parenting advice myself!  I am too nice to reply with what I honestly think about their parenting abilities with their own kids so it is always special when they tell me what I am doing wrong! 

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