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Live online precalculus class

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My ds will need a precalculus class next year. I know about Derek Owens but this kid really prefers live and I’m going to have him in another asynchronous class so I really want to have him in a live precal class. We used WTMA for prealgebra- algebra 2 and then MPOA for geometry. Either is fine and we’ll consider those for next year. Just wondering what other options I should look at. The scheduling will get tricky with de so we’ll likely have a hard time making a class fit. 

Background on ds- he will be in 11th grade and likely headed to a STEM degree/career. He does well with math but obviously he isn’t very advanced. So he will need a very solid course to build on in calculus and beyond. We have ruled out de just because the rigor and teaching is spotty and I don’t want to turn this over to de. I feel like it is too important a class and we’ll save de for classes that aren’t going to be necessary foundational courses. 

So, precalculus that is not de, not too easy, and live. That is what I am looking for. Any suggestions?

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My D'S is starting Chalkdust in January. It's not live (dvds) but it's not easy. However, I think I read somewhere on these boards that the teacher Dana Mosely has a website now instead of just dvds so maybe he has live classes available now? I'm hoping someone else chimes in because I don't remember the website name at all to link ...

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So, good to make a list once schedules come out with prices of the class (plus sometimes tech fees), textbook used (price of text & solutions manual plus how much of it the class covers), religious/secular in terms of providers, how the teaching is done, honors/regular, & when the classes are. I had to do this, so I sort of remember providers. Let me try to remember: WTMA, Wilson Hill, MPOA, Kolbe (Honors/Regular), Homeschool Connections (only uses Saxon, I think), HSLDA online, Homeschool Math Live (Honors/Non-Honors), Mr. D math, Veritas Press (covers 2nd half of Foerster Alg 2 book last time I checked),  AoPS, MyHomeschoolMathClass.com. . . I can't remember anymore off the top of my head, but I'm sure I'm missing a couple.

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Thanks...I am kind of trying to check and price things out so I know what I want to do come Feb/March when I need to set his de schedule. I did happen to see that the Veritas class uses the Alg 2 book and that caught my attention. 

My older son used some Kolbe classes but it has been a couple years because they seemed to get more expensive than WTMA and MPOA which have become our default providers.

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You'll likely cross some of these off your list ($$ or secular/religious) and then have to wait for schedules to narrow it down. Then, come back & ask for reviews. There are going to be some that people haven't taken & other that have several reviews. But, we might speak to the book or the rigor of the provider. 

What works for some kids might be the bane of another so asking what people like about a provider or how well prepared they were for Calc will be important, too.

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