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Help me know what to think - kitchen remodeling problems


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This is probably going to be long - I'll try to keep it brief... help me process through this.

We started working on remodeling our kitchen a year ago when we moved in.  We finally got a design/construction company (husband/wife team) out in Jan. to look at our house and talk about both the kitchen a bath. 

At that time I explained that I wanted a wall taken out to open up the kitchen into a front room with an existing picture window.  I wanted a island in that space with either the sink or stove.  She suggested that I put the sink there rather than the stove.  The meeting went very well and I was very pleased with how well we seemed to understand each other.  She was not horrified when I said that I liked Formica.     My only issue is that they seemed to be taking a long time to start projects (once they start it went well).  For instance I contacted her in early Nov. and the earliest she could see me was late Dec/early Jan for a first meeting.    In mid-Feb I got a both preliminary estimates and chose to go ahead with the master bath first.  

They did the bath in April/May and it went well... I'm very pleased with the work.  When they were finishing up on the bath Memorial Day weekend I asked them how soon would we get to the kitchen... I did not get much specific info.  I was thinking it would be July/Aug.... I was wrong. 

Since then we had a structural engineer and another design engineer out because we would be taking out of load bearing wall and we're on a crawl space.    It was probably June when we were all in the crawl space looking at the footers and taking measurements.   I was pretty sure there would be issues because the previous owner had put in his own fitters under the house and they don't look like they are to code.  But, I never heard anything from her about this.   

We would talk via email but weeks would go by before I hear things back.  Progress has been painfully slow.  

When Oct. came and went I decided I really wanted to get the propane fireplace project started - something I had mentioned to her when we first met because I want to upgrade to a propane stove.   But, I wasn't 100% sure where the stove was going so I reached out to her and she was mystified about the fireplaces (I know we talked about it because she gave me the name of someone who does conversions).    Then we talk back and forth several times about the island and choosing cabinets for the island (we're saving all the current cabinets and adding only the island). 

She sends me some designs, which we discuss.  We talk about the size of the island and other design issues.  That kind of thing.

So this weekend I get the updated estimate.   In it she states that there are some newly added items:  One is moving kitchen sink to an island (wait?? what???).  I know we talked about this in our very first meeting. How is this on the "newly added" list.  I go back to the preliminary estimate and see that indeed, moving the sink isn't specifically in there.  She has info about removing the load bearing wall but nothing about an island... so it is an oversight on my part.   I'm annoyed at her and myself.   She took detailed notes and made sketches at that first meeting.  So, I'm baffled by this.

But, there's also new add-on to the estimate concerning the footers under the house.  They have to tear out the flooring in order to dig 2 new holes for the footers and construct footers and piers...   I'm not so annoyed that this is happening, because I thought there would be an issue, but the fact that I'm finding out about it now.  I've been pretty vocal that I thought there might be a problem, so I honestly expected to have heard something before now.    I even hinted in an email when I wanted a larger island and she said it wasn't possible.  I asked her if it was because of the weight.   That could have been a chance for her to say something.  But, she doesn't even mention it.   I dunno, maybe I'm off on this, but it rubs me the wrong way.  I've been waiting a YEAR to get this done.  I thought it would been finished by now. I'm annoyed that this has come up now and that somehow moving the sink and adding an island wasn't included in the original estimate.   I'm worried that this might be a sign of mismanagement... but OTOH, we worked well together on the bathroom.  She really is good at working to keep the price down and looking for alternatives with supplies.  She's very down to earth.

The only thing I've paid for is the price of the structural engineer's work.  

I dunno if I should cut my losses and wasted year and move on...or plow through and chalk this up to a hiccup.

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You haven't paid for anything yet, and you were pleased with their other work.  I'd chalk it up to the current projects being a higher priority and give them another chance.  Explain you are quite frustrated you haven't made any progress yet, as well as the other issues and ask for a timeline.  If they violate the timeline without an acceptable reason find another contractor.

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