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What curriculum covers progymnasmata?


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There is also Writing Tales, but that is only a two volume set that covers 3rd-5th.  They recommend moving to Classical Writing after it, but CW covers from elementary on up itself if you do all the levels.
I do believe Cottage Press is progym, and that the writer of the first volumes of CW is the author behind it.  I could be wrong about that, though.

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edited because I was on my phone earlier and sent only a half response....sorry!

We use MP’s Classical Composition. It looks dry, but DD and I have been very pleased with it so far (we're in Narrative). It is easy to use, fairly open and go. The lessons are broken up over 2 weeks so that no one day is too overwhelming. DD is picking up great skills. The copia exercises help the child express a thought in many different ways. There is also a lot of practice outlining and retelling from different points of view. The program does choose stories that use rather elevated or archaic language. If your child is not used to that style, it may require a bit of transition. 


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For an older student, Composition in the Classical Tradition by D’Angelo is a book that has all the forms. It used to be recommended for high school in TWTM. 

Cindy Marsch at writingassessment.com offers some materials for progym instruction. I am not sure about the age ranges but I would guess not elementary. https://www.writingassessment.com/curriculum/progymnasmata/

I can’t agree that the main IEW program is based on the progym. It is based on materials by a Canadian college professor, which he used for his own classes, and does not seem very like the progym at all to me. I don’t know anything about the Rhetoric program they offer; maybe that is what was meant by the comment that IEW is loosely based on the progym. 

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