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The Red, White, and Wind Teachers Lounge 11-12-2018


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Hello and welcome to the Lounge, whether it be morning, noon, or night where you are!

Sorry I've been slacking on opening the Lounge. Some days I remember when it's practically too late and some days
I don't remember to do it at all! Sorry about that.

Are you doing anything fun and exciting for Veterans Day today? Here: I would have liked to see the parade but being medically restricted from driving makes that a challenge.
Yes, I probably could have taken the bus but I don't think of those things until the last minute, usually. Besides, my kids are still dealing with the germies so I can stay home and attend to them.

What's on the schedule for this week? Here: I'm hoping to have some semblance of a plan: for errands, when people have said they're available to give me rides; for our homeschooling; for meals, etc.

Anyone even thinking about Thanksgiving yet? Here: a little bit, only because someone blessed us with a turkey. Beyond that, not really.

Talk to me! ?

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Hi ya, Scrap,

I am having a very ginger day today.  I was glutened on Saturday at a Ladies Luncheon where I was told that something was gluten free - and it wasn't.  This has been the first big exposure since going Celiac level gluten free over a year ago.  At first I thought that I would be ok because I was fine for the first few hours after ingestion but then Bam!  Saturday night wasn't fun.  Yesterday wasn't fun.  Last night was perfectly miserable.  Today I have off from homeschooling since dd is at an all-day training.  I am trying to get some things done (have to pay bills) while also taking care of my body. 

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53 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:


I don't remember to do it at all! Sorry about that.

no worries!  It’s a nice surprise when it comes up...

Are you doing anything fun and exciting for Veterans Day today? Here: I would have liked to see the parade but being medically restricted from driving makes that a challenge.
It’s been and gone here (it’s called Remembrance Day here).  We didn’t do anything much.  Apparently they sprayed poppies from an aeroplane.

What's on the schedule for this week? Here: I'm hoping to have some semblance of a plan: for errands, when people have said they're available to give me rides; for our homeschooling; for meals, etc.

just the usual round of activities plus a dentist visit and sheep shearing.  I feel like I’m a bit scattered and could do with time for a decent planning session but squeezing it in is a struggle.  Also I need to figure out some time to get a tire fixed in my car and dd some new pjs.  

Anyone even thinking about Thanksgiving yet? Here: a little bit, only because someone blessed us with a turkey. Beyond that, not really.

no thanksgiving here obviously.  

Talk to me! ?


43 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Hi ya, Scrap,

I am having a very ginger day today.  I was glutened on Saturday at a Ladies Luncheon where I was told that something was gluten free - and it wasn't.  This has been the first big exposure since going Celiac level gluten free over a year ago.  At first I thought that I would be ok because I was fine for the first few hours after ingestion but then Bam!  Saturday night wasn't fun.  Yesterday wasn't fun.  Last night was perfectly miserable.  Today I have off from homeschooling since dd is at an all-day training.  I am trying to get some things done (have to pay bills) while also taking care of my body. 

I saw the other day that food testing showed 3pc of apparently gluten free food here tested positive for traces of gluten.  That has to make things hard.  Also that scientists are working on a vaccine that will “cure” celiac.  That would be amazing!


other stuff here

dh spent yesterday arvo on a fire truck on the second fire ban day of the year.  I really need to get my emergency evacuation plans into place and do some more cleaning up outside.  Feeling a little underprepared.

we are due to have chickens hatch today but we did have a power outage during incubation and there’s no sign of pipping yet.  There were at least three showing signs of life a couple of days ago so I really hope to hatch some.  Love the cute little fluff balls!  Also I need to relocate our last batch of chickens to the big coop to make space in the brooder if we manage to hatch newbies.

we’re definitely wrapping up for the year.  Both boys are done with their math books which is great because I have time to review some stuff with them that they are still fuzzy in and oldest is done with writing and spelling as well.  We’re just trying to wrap up grammar, have about 10ch of story of the world to go and a tonne of science.  I like this time of year when you can start closing stuff out.

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41 minutes ago, scrapbookbuzz said:

Ausmom, so you're school calendar goes from January through November? December?

Yeah we stop about the week before Christmas and go back the end of January or first week of Feb.  there’s a bit of variation but that’s approximately it.

theres even a bit of variation in my house depending on motivation and achievement levels for the year ?

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Work has gone crazy again.  Luckily ds9 is now able to work through a check list of simple stuff - fan process skills 1 which is below level, logic countdown, grammar sheet, reading.  It takes 60 to 90 mins and then I try not to feel guilty is he plays with his switch until I go home.  I am going to get a computer set up so he can keep working through the coding club scratch projects which with add another 30 to 60 mins.  We are there 3 to 5 hours depending on the day.  I love Wednesdays when we don't go. Hyde

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