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Has anyone successfully used a program to learn or teach piano at home?


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My son is very interested in learning piano. I took lessons as a child and know a few basics, but I never became a proficient player. I have seen programs mentioned here before, but can't find any searching.


I would like to find something we could work thru at home for as long as possible, until having to switch to a real teacher.




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:lurk5: I'm interested in this too.


I know WTM has recommended The usborne piano course which I believe there are only two courses so you would have to switch to something else when you were through. Course 1 Course 2


WTM also recommends Bastien Piano Basics


I have never seen either two programs so I can't tell you one way or the other I just throw I'd through them out there. Maybe someone here can give us a review of them.

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Thanks for the replies so far. I have been looking at Simply Music, but I don't think it gets into reading music.


My son is 10, so it can't be anything to "kiddie-ish". He's so grown up now!:)


I'll take a look at SM again and the others you have mentioned. I found something earlier about Quick Piano and another called Piano Wizard, but it has to be hooked up to the computer. I don't know if we have the room to swing that.


Would y'all take a look at those and tell me what you think, please?




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We were not able to pay the $50/week for both our boys to take piano lessons, so I tried it myself. I had taken lessons for 6 years as a child (so, that's about 25 years ago) and could still play a little -- but not much. Certainly nothing I'd call 'accomplished.'


I just started out a few weeks ahead of my son -- learned the pieces myself. Then, following the book, I just started teaching the music to him. So simple! If your son is truly a beginner, I'm sure you could do this, too. I have enjoyed it very much -- we're all learning together.


We use the book series Alfred's Basic Piano Library. There are small 'lessons' interspersed with songs/warmups that build the skill from each lesson.


We do our piano first thing in the morning, right after chores. They each practice for about 15 minutes -- and about 5 of those minutes are with me. I just introduce a new song when they seem ready. The rest of the practice time is replaying songs they have already learned. I'm sure there are 'gaps' since I'm no expert, but, I figure there'd be a much bigger gap if we weren't doing it at all.


The boys have learned a LOT, so have I, and we've saved $200/month!



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msjones, that's something I will probably have to give a try! I absolutely have NO musical ability, but HE does. He took band at co-op for a year and played the trumpet when he was nine. Picked right up on reading the music and playing, THEN he would go and pick the songs out on the piano!


Maybe I can work with him enough to get him going, but I think with the talent God has given him, it won't be long until he blows me away! But, maybe by then I can teach him to read the music so he could work further on his own????


I just know we can't afford lessons right now. Surely there has got to be something out there he can use that's better than me!:tongue_smilie:




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Hi Kim,


Simply Music does get into reading music but just doesn't begin that way. Their philosphy is more along the lines of language development - you learn to talk then later you learn to read. I don't think SM would be too kiddish for your ds as it is targeted at all ages, even adults. The dvd's consist of the 'instructor' at the piano with a student who demonstrates what he teaches. It doesn't include cutsie gimmicks or anything like that. I think it would be fine for your 10yo.




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You can absolutely do this!


I had a year of piano in college, but that's it. (No lessons before then, or after, really. It was just a fun elective.)


We use Faber Piano Adventures here. Oldest ds (now 13) and I went through book 2B before we got a teacher. Middle ds (now 8) is working his way through book 1.


We began with the primer book, and just worked on 2-3 pages per week. We practice each piece 3x every school day. Piano is done right after breakfast, but before school.


Have fun!

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Piano Adventures is a hit here! We use the My First series, which is for little kids, but they also have one for older beginners that I looked at for myself and it looked great. I didn't end up buying it, but that was just to save money...I figure I'll just go through my son's books 1 level ahead to avoid buying extra books!

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One thing I really like about doing it myself is the lack of pressure. We paid for lessons for my first son for about 6 months. The teacher was very kind, and did a fine job, but, despite my best intentions, there was a feeling of "I'm- paying- good- money- for- these- lessons- and- you'd- better- learn- that- song!"


That was no fun.


Our practicing is very pleasant most days. They have as long as they need to warm up to a new piece.


I'm sure the day will come when we'll wish for a 'real' teacher. We'll have to see about that, though, because it is very expensive around here ($25 - $50 for a weekly half-hour lesson). I may just get a subscription to Piano Teacher magazine myself and see what I can learn.

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