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Just saw my first drug bust


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my dsil's first witnessed drug bust was when he was working for a car rental company- and a customer left their "delivery" in the trunk.   one of the "customer service reps" even suggested they keep it, and sell it themselves.

they did call the cops - then got a phone call from the renter that they had left something in the car, and wanted to know if they could come pick it up.  they were assured no one had yet touched the car, and it was right where they left it. . . . . .

so- they came.  and were surrounded by a swat team.   (in front of other customers and employees - as the cops wanted it to look like business as usual.)  the idiots stood a better chance with the swat team than with some coke dealer after losing his (street value) $1M+ delivery of product.

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18 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

my dsil's first witnessed drug bust was when he was working for a car rental company- and a customer left their "delivery" in the trunk.   


 his (street value) $1M+ delivery of product.

I forgot a sketchook - a brand new, beautiful square sketchbook - in a plane onetime. I have been kicking myself for years, "What was I thinking??" How could I have forgotten it so easily?

I am no longer going to feel bad about it, lol.

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6 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

I forgot a sketchook - a brand new, beautiful square sketchbook - in a plane onetime. I have been kicking myself for years, "What was I thinking??" How could I have forgotten it so easily?

I am no longer going to feel bad about it, lol.

yeah - I guess I shouldn't feel bad I lost a broach in an overhead bin when I stuffed my coat up there.

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That is sad, but it reality where we live.  The cops do huge bust of 10 places at once every year in our area.  

My neighbor next door was selling and my neighbor across the street got busted and now doesn't live there anymore. The apartments one block down had a bust last year.  

I live in the better area of town and the town next to us I grew up in has the highest AIDs, drug rate, and teen pregnancy rate in the whole state.  It is so sad to see the wonderful kids I grew up with on the front page more for drug bust and child neglect than accomplishments.  

We have a huge recovery effort going on in the county and I do believe it is making a difference.  These people need hope and a chance at a future and I am glad that many of them are getting help.

 My twin brother made the front page several years back for selling cocaine and meth...and my sister was a drug dealer of meth. and marijuana.  Both of them say they are clean now and I really hope that they are. My uncle and cousins have all made the paper for selling meth and other drugs.  So the drug epidemic is personal to me.  My mom sold her legal mental and pain meds illegally to people who came to our house.  

I chose a different path and am thankful the Lord guided my steps to where I am today.  I am blessed to have a sweet handful of children and a husband who loves me, our children, and the Lord....that order should probably be reversed?.


P.S. These are moments to use to talk to your children about how one choice can determine their futures to a great degree.

Edited by homemommy83
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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

my dsil's first witnessed drug bust was when he was working for a car rental company- and a customer left their "delivery" in the trunk.   one of the "customer service reps" even suggested they keep it, and sell it themselves.

they did call the cops - then got a phone call from the renter that they had left something in the car, and wanted to know if they could come pick it up.  they were assured no one had yet touched the car, and it was right where they left it. . . . . .

so- they came.  and were surrounded by a swat team.   (in front of other customers and employees - as the cops wanted it to look like business as usual.)  the idiots stood a better chance with the swat team than with some coke dealer after losing his (street value) $1M+ delivery of product.


 "You had one job! One!"


Picture of what $1 million worth of cocaine looks like

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12 hours ago, mom@shiloh said:

At my neighbor's house.  ?  That was one thing that definitely was NOT on my bucket list. 

They have two boys in their early teens and they "homeschool".  Sad.


Was it scary? Did the police bust through the door?


I would be freaked.

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12 hours ago, Jyhwkmama said:


Was it scary? Did the police bust through the door?


I would be freaked.

Not really scary.  I've been waiting for it to happen and have reported suspicious activity over there a few times.  One day last week, several officers spent about three hours at the house.  I have no idea what happened then, but I saw the dad in the driveway later in the day.  I was hoping they had arrested him that day. Yesterday I saw about a dozen officers run toward the house, heard some shouting and then someone said, "We got him!"  I was working in my garden, which is about 50 feet from their property, so I had a pretty good view. We live on five acres waaay out in the country, so this isn't the kind of thing that happens around here. I will be glad to get him out of the neighborhood, and I feel sorry for his wife and kids even though I'm pretty sure they're complicit in it as well.

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