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Oldest just left for her DE class & said . . .


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"Thanks for homeschooling me" as she walked out the door.  :wub:

She woke up with a cold and really didn't want to go to her DE classes today. I don't know why she thanked me this morning, but I appreciate it. She's a good kid. (All my kids are. :smile:)

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39 minutes ago, PrincessMommy said:

how sweet..   What is DE?

Dual enrollment. Technically, the local state college doesn't allow anyone except the kids enrolled at the local public school to "dual enroll" (and they are only allowed to do online classes or classes-in-person-at-the-high-school). So, my homeschooled DD is actually enrolled as a "Non-Degree / Personal Enrichment" student. She took one class in person during the Spring semester, one (online) during summer, and now she's doing Chemistry there. She'll be there all day today as she has lecture in the morning & lab this afternoon. 

This is her senior year, so reading all the threads on the College subforum here about moms missing their kids who are leaving or just left to go off to college is making me misty-eyed. She had the option of going to a brick-and-mortar school (not the closest one) after freshman year, but vehemently chose to stay homeschooling. My DH, DD#1, and I have all seen the benefits of all those hard years of work we put in as she's applying to colleges, getting into them, and getting scholarship offers. [As I like to say, "I didn't break her!" Homeschooling isn't for everyone, but this kid has really made it her own journey in these last couple of years.]

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Aw, so sweet!  Isn't it nice to get a little affirmation from them?  It seems every time I start to wonder if I'm doing the right thing homeschooling the youngest alone, the older ones spontaneously say something about how they were very well prepared for college or that homeschooling was the best choice, both academically and socially.  They weren't particularly pro-homeschooling when they were in high school; they've just seen the benefits now that they are adults.  That makes it even more reassuring!

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