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History after 1950

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Planning grade 11/12 means entering the last era of our 10 box history system of the Netherlands.

Box 10 is history after 1950, and we cover more history then 'just' the Netherlands or 'just' Belgium, but it is also the box I know very little of (my history textbook finished at 1950) So I can use some input for topics to cover (We did a special about feminism with History so my knowledge about topic is stretching further then 1950), movies to see & discuss, books to read etc. For my self but mostly for dd who will be 16/17 yo by then. History will be one of our last exams, so we will have time to dig in ?

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Well obviously the Cold War is going to be important. I teach US History so can give you some ideas for resources - am heading off to teach at our local co-op in a few minutes so will come back later tonight or tomorrow and share some ideas. And other topics to cover. Break up of the USSR and reunification of Germany. End of apartheid in South Africa (that's where I am from originally). Rise of terrorism.

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I'll post below the resources my daughter used in 9th grade when she was studying the time frame you mentioned.  These include documentaries, movies, music, and written works.

Frank Sinatra, Come Swing with Me
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Little World of Don Camillo by Giovanni Guareschi
Ed Sullivan's Rock and Roll Classics, Volume 8: Legends of Rock (video)
Beatles, Beatles for Sale
Atomic Cafe (video)
Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited
I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.
All the President's Men (video)
Forrest Gump (video)
Judy Collins, Whales and Nightingales
Hair (video)
The Vietnam War by Marilyn B. Young, John J. Fitzgerald and A. Tom Grunfeld
Singers and Songwriters, 1974-1975
Good Morning, Vietnam (video)
Out of the Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis
The Mouse that Roared by Leonard Wibberley
The Mouse that Roared (video)
Abba, The Definitive Collection
W;t by Margaret Edson
W;t (video)
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Fax from Sarajevo by Joe Kubert
U2, Achtung Baby
A Little History of the World by E. H. Gombrich


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Topics to cover for post-1950 for the entire world? Um, that's a lot of stuff. Off the top of my head...

Cold War
*arms race
*Korean War
*Vietnam War (and Cambodia, Laos, etc.)
*the non-alignment movement
*how the Cold War affected Africa and Latin America (in a word, poorly)

The "end of history" aka, when all the European bloc nations collapsed
*German re-unification
*the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia

The end of colonialism in Africa
*the rise of Apartheid in South Africa and the subsequent end of Apartheid
*the Congo crisis

China under Mao - Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, opening up to trade, post-Mao economic boom that continues today

Japan's post-war recovery and economic boom

The Middle East
* oy...
*Arab-Israeli conflict - including the Six Day War, etc.
*the 1st and 2nd Gulf Wars, the rise (and fall, mostly) of Isis
*Iranian Revolution
*Afghanistan - the Taliban, the endless war

India's democracy
*conflicts with Pakistan
*the Emergency

The US...
*Civil Rights
*Women's Lib
*current immigration issues and their recent history

Um... I guess there's plenty of pop culture you could cover too. Oh, I've mostly left out Latin America. I'm terrible at Latin American history. Um, the Cold War... Cuba... Liberation theology?

ETA: Adding... duh... the revolutions that swept the Middle East in the 2010's. Because Syria. Really, that's one way to conceive of this. What are the current events you'd like to cover. Go backwards from all of those. The roots will primarily be since 1950.

Edited by Farrar
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Thank you for all those topics and tips!

The Flemish textbook for this era is not published yet, but looking at your imput they still skip a lot (I got the table of contents from the publisher)

Cold War and the Birth of the EU are covered by the textbook, but somehow they skipped apartheid and the arab-Israeli conflict (they do spend a chapter on feminism).

I f I read this I think dd should follow the news better, then the questions will follow.

We did a course on pop and rock music some years ago, when she thought the Beatles are a car... (Volkswagen Beetle), 

I realise I can't cover all the history of all the world, but in grade 12 she will have passed most of the exit exams, and we will have time to dig more into history as Latin and History will be the last exams...

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I've always wanted to teach a 1950-now co-op class with the kids doing their own history study at home, but two presentations each week on topics from Billy Joel's We DIdn't Start the Fire (1949-1989 section ). It wouldn't be comprehensive, but I think it would be fun.

Good luck!

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Got back to this thread at last - been moving my youngest into college. Some more movie ideas:

13 Days - Cuban Missile Crisis

Invictus - end of Apartheid / Nelson Mandela

Good Night and Good Luck - McCarthyism

Bridge of Spies - Cold War

I loved the whole JFK mini series

And I haven't watched it yet but The Butler looks great and spans most of this period.

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Also perhaps some about science, culture, environment in historical perspective. 

Post World War II Issues. Agriculture. Mass globalization. Space travel. Nuclear testing. Communication changes (TV, internet...).  Rock music. Terrorism. Colonialism of Europe diminishing. Rise of African nations. 

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