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anybody else having a kid aging off of insurance next year?

AngieW in Texas

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My oldest will age off of our insurance in March. I know that's a ways off, but we need to have mental health care, one specific doctor, and several prescriptions covered, so I want to have time to help her research. She should be able to get insurance through her employer, but I don't know if that will be any better than what she can get on the exchanges or through the community college (has one more class to take to finish off an AS). Right now the insurance available through the community college is far better than what is available on the exchange. None of the plans on the exchange cover her doctor, but the cc's plan does.

The plan would need to cover in-patient hospitalization for mental health. We've only had to do that one time so far, but it could happen again and that would be financially devastating without coverage for it.

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A timely topic for my family, too, so I've begun thinking about it.

Agreeing with the pps, that if you can get your hands on the policy information at your DD's employer, it would be great to do your research now. That way if the plan doesn't include the providers you like, you can at least see if the out-of-network costs would be manageable.

I'm almost certain that every plan is now legally required to cover in-patient mental health hospitalization. The issue would be *where* and for how long. Your preferred hospital would have to be in-network, or again, you're looking at out-of-network costs.

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The best coverage available to her now is from the CC.  One possible option would be for her to continue taking classes in the CC (towards another AS) so that she qualifies to purchase their insurance.  Only one doctor?  In that case I would ask that doctor which plans cover his/her services.  The one specific doctor and specific medications are your priorities. I'd begin with that  doctor.  Also, the employers won't know about what coverage they will offer until the insurance companies get rate approval from the State and then they come up with Packages and Rates.  Another possible issue is that her doctor might be dropped from plans currently participating in and/or added to other plans.  Her "shrink" is the critical thing here. Good luck to her!

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