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For a kid who got a C in Pre-Algebra and is taking Algebra next year...


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What program was the student using for Pre-Algebra?
If it was Saxon, I'd probably be wondering if Saxon is not a good fit, whether considering 8/7 or Algebra 1/2.
If it was NOT Saxon, then definitely use the placement test, but also spend some time this summer having the student "test drive" Saxon to see if it going to be a good fit or not.

Also, *why* did the student not do as well with Pre-Algebra as hoped for or expected?
Consider thinking about what kind of math learner the student is to help narrow down the options to land on a program presentation that will BEST fit with the student, in case it looks like Saxon is not going to be a good fit.

And finally, I would be careful about rushing ahead into Algebra next year, if the student's foundational higher math skills (pre-algebra) are shaky. Far better to spend half a year more on getting solid with Pre-Algebra, and starting Algebra 1 next spring -- or even the following year, if that's what it takes, for maturity to start developing in those abstract thinking areas of the brain that make those higher math skills possible.

You might also look into finding a good local tutor to walk alongside the student, if it seems like the student could use some additional one-on-one support to make those crucial foundational pre-algebra skills really solid, so the rest of the higher maths will go smoothly.

Just a few thoughts! BEST of luck! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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It was not Saxon....he was in a charter school... and of course, I'm drawing a blank right now.  It was some group solving curriculum.... all textbooks/everything online.  I'll find out when he gets home and edit this.

He is not a strong math student and needs lots of spiral review.  This program had zero.  I used Saxon with him in earlier grades when he homeschooled, as well as Math Mammoth.  I have Math Mammoth through 6B, but nothing beyond that.    Math Mammoth did not have enough spiral review, so i just built it in myself by taking problems from previous chapters.... especially things I knew he had trouble with.

Plus, his teacher had a very strong accent, which made life more difficult.

They have placed him for Algebra 1 next year--and although I could request he be put in "normal" 8th grade math (which would be pre-algebra again basically), he says he'd be embarrassed.  The teacher says she would not place him if she didn't think he could pass.  

I would like to homeschool him next year, but will be going through a divorce and homeschooling is likely to be a big issue--only because of a desire to control everything on the part of his Dad.  (Of course, while we are married, not an issue.)    So right now, I'm trying to do everything I can to make him succeed next year.  Surprisingly, I may be able to homeschool him for 9th grade/highschool.... so if Algebra 1 is a total flop, we'll just re-do it. 

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In looking around at various sample curricula, and seeing which actually worked well with my child.... we landed upon something I never expected--Teaching Textbooks!  So, although I've been pretty much anti-TT, I read an updated review that says they've made things meatier/added some improvements.   He just passed the Algebra 1 placement/readiness exam (barely...with a lot of uncertainty on his part), so I gave him the choice on whether or not to do Pre-Algebra this summer or Algebra.  He chose Pre-Algebra, as he thinks he could use some help in that area.

They have a new version which is all online--no CDs...and cheaper.  I think I paid $60-something for one year access.  

We're giving it a try for the summer.   The key motivation right now is that he likes it and wants to do it....whereas a more traditional approach would be like pulling teeth.  Hoping for some improvement.   

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On 6/7/2018 at 8:16 AM, umsami said:

In looking around at various sample curricula, and seeing which actually worked well with my child.... we landed upon something I never expected--Teaching Textbooks!  So, although I've been pretty much anti-TT, I read an updated review that says they've made things meatier/added some improvements.   He just passed the Algebra 1 placement/readiness exam (barely...with a lot of uncertainty on his part), so I gave him the choice on whether or not to do Pre-Algebra this summer or Algebra.  He chose Pre-Algebra, as he thinks he could use some help in that area.

They have a new version which is all online--no CDs...and cheaper.  I think I paid $60-something for one year access.  

We're giving it a try for the summer.   The key motivation right now is that he likes it and wants to do it....whereas a more traditional approach would be like pulling teeth.  Hoping for some improvement.   

We're in the same boat! My daughter attended K12 online through our state last year and she didn't retain a whole lot from its Prealgebra course. She struggled through the TT Algebra placement test. She will also be repeating Prealgebra using TT (her choice). We tried Horizons Prealgebra last year before I enrolled her in K12 but it was way over her head (and we had completed Horizons 6 the year before). I still have the Horizons book, but we both shudder at the thought of using it because of how advanced it is. 

Good luck to you!

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(((Umsami))) -- So sorry for the stressful and difficult life circumstances that are also part of trying to figure out the Math. Teaching Textbooks is one of the closest to the spiral type of program that Saxon is, and it has every single problem worked on in the videos, as needed, so if DS gets stuck, it's like having a teacher explaining that particular problem. 

Hoping TT Pre-Algebra will be a good fit and review this summer, and that the life situation change will not be chaotic and stressful for everyone. Warmest regards, Lori D.

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