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So frustrated! Unknown storm damage. Venting!


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We had a big storm about 2 weeks ago that took down a neighbor's tree as well as some other damage in our area. We didn't notice any damage beyond some broken limbs on a few larger bushes in our yard. Our neighbor stopped my husband when he was pulling out of our driveway yesterday evening and let us know that it looks like we have some roof damage. It's about 5 feet long - looks like maybe strong winds pushed up the roof shingles - it's hard to tell as the house sits very high and we have to cross the street to even see it. My mother-in-law's room has water damage to the ceiling and carpet which we never noticed because she's been in rehab and just got home. Of course water starts pouring in after we find the damage! Now her room seems unsafe for her to be in until the damage is taken care of. I think we have a black cloud over our house!! 

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Undetected storm damage to our roof is one of those niggling worries that rattles around in the back of my mind during bad weather. Our attic is huge and I worry that we could have a leak for a long time before noticing.

I hope you can get everything fixed with minimal hassle.

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We had a crazy day dealing with the insurance adjuster, the water mitigation company, the roofer the insurance company called in and our contractor. I can't believe how much water was trapped in there! We now have big fans and the largest dehumidifier I've ever seen running for the next 3 days. Hopefully we can get this resolved quickly so my mother-in-law can be back in her room again. She just got settled in after a few weeks in a rehab facility after a bad fall. We can't even get to her clothes at the moment, but luckily I had a few loads in the laundry for her, so she has a few days worth. 

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