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I did it again.

Night Elf

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I work in the linen department at the thrift store. A really pretty comforter came in. It's been sitting on the floor for a couple of weeks but hasn't sold. It has a slight yellowing up at the top of it. It's white with embroidered leaves on one side and sage green on the other. My coworker told me what I could clean it with so I brought it home and sprayed it and now am washing it. If I can get it white, I'm going to buy it. It's not bad looking. I might even keep it anyway. It's so light and Spring looking! This will be the second comforter I bought. I also bought a queen sized blanket and three throws. The first comforter I got dry cleaned and it's still in the bag. I had planned on putting in on the bed downstairs but just haven't gone down there to change the bedding. Truthfully I didn't need it. There is a plain blue quilt on it now. It's nice looking but the new brown comforter is plush. Much prettier.

I do not need anymore comforters and blankets!!

We sell towels in our pets department. I might get some of those to replace some of my bad ones. We don't sell towels and rags except in our pets department and sometimes we get in towels that look brand new and those go out in the pets department. We sell the big thick ones for $3 each and the smaller thinner ones for $2. 

I haven't looked at the clothes.

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I once bought a tablecloth that had yellowing stains on one panel.

It was really cheap and I figured I could get it clean.  But it didn't clean in two tries, with spray, so I started using it as a dust cover on my basement laundry table.  The way that works is, I keep the tablecloth on it (had been using an old flannel sheet) to collect the dust.  Then pull the cloth off to use the table to fold clean clothes.  So, every once in a while I throw the dust cover into the wash so that it doesn't get TOO dusty.  I did that with the tablecloth, and after about 6 months lo and behold, it was clean!  No spray!  So I rotated into my tablecloth sequence, and returned to using the old flannel sheet for the laundry table.


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1 minute ago, happysmileylady said:

Yeah, working at a thrift store can get expensive.  Lol


In regards to towels, I paid $3 for brand new ones at Dollar General.  They are nice and thick and fluffy.  

I forgot to write that price is for 2 towels. We package 2 towels together. If we have matching hand towels we put 2 together for $2. If we have non-matching hand towels we package 3 or 4 together for the same price. For washrags, we generally package anywhere from 5 to 10 and will charge $2 to $3.

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My mother-in-law is Queen of All Thrifting. She lives in a smallish town in NC, and goes thrifting nearly every week--surprisingly, her house is not filled with things she doesn't need! 

I love to go with her. The thrill of the hunt and all...lol

Your comforters sound lovely. There's something about blankets and snuggly bedding... :-)

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Whenever I need to freeze spending, I ask myself a couple of variations of the "Do I need this?" question. 

1) What's the very worst that could happen if I didn't buy this thing? 

2) Will I die (literally die) if I don't buy this? 

Helps me draw a hard line when my will power is weak and the bank account is dry.  :D

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