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Do you have an oily guy? Help Please!


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My husband has very oily skin, like the man has an oil slick on him by the end of the day!  So I end up with a lot of oil stains on shirt collars, pillow cases, sheets and hats. What do you like to remove oil stains with and how do you do it? I would like to save these dress shirts if I can. I would post a picture of his dress shirts buts its too graphic, even for the internet. :()

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We haven't found a great solution, but we wash sheets frequently and pillow cases very frequently.  He can wear a low collar shirt under his scrubs and only wears a collared shirt once or maybe twice a week for less than 5 hours so they get spray and wash and laundered right away. I will say there's some wisdom in the long ago men's fashion of having separate collar (and shirt front) from your shirt!

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I don't have the exact issue, but experience with a constellation of similar issues...

  • Lestoil almost always removes oily stuff, but you can't easily pretreat, or it can leave it's own residue (which you treat with more Lestoil, oddly enough). You can put it on at the last minute before tossing it in the wash. You might need to wash again to remove the pine tar smell of the Lestoil. You can use this as a once in a while treatment after you get the initial grunge out. You can also soak in water with Lestoil now and again--that shouldn't leave a residue because it's not in one spot.
  • Straight white vinegar sprayed on the stains for "regular" maintenance.
  • I would also consider trying Trader Joe's tea tree oil SHAMPOO. You can't put it in a HE machine, but you can hand wash/woak with it. It gets out oily, sweaty stuff really well. The bar soap is not the same at all. Tea tree oil as an additive is not the same either. But the shampoo is somehow amazing. (Hint: best bra wash ever!!!)
  • I am the oily person in our family, and I use Trader Joe's tea tree oil bar soap right on my face, and it cuts the oil without drying me out. I used to get slicks on my face, and between the soap and aging, it's much better now. Anyway, it might be worth your DH trying it on his face and neck. 

Good luck!

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I haven't had this problem, but when I was doing nursing clinicals once there was a resident at a nursing home who did.  His clothes were typically scrubbed with Dawn dishsoap and a nail brush by hand before they were put in the laundry. One of the night nurses said she did this for him every time she worked, and then she'd throw his clothes into the dirty bins for the laundry staff.  I would use the original Dawn (not concentrated or scented or moisturizing) and not mix with bleach in the same cycle. I think Dawn contains a bit of ammonia.  But anyway, it's cheap and readily available, and easy to keep a small bottle near your laundry hamper AND near your washing machine. I think the nurse said she even had gotten out old stains by scrubbing this way.  I will warn you to be careful with new garments though, I once ruined a new LL Bean shirt by scrubbing spilled salad dressing with Dawn and something, maybe oxyclean. It left a bleach stain. I know I commented about it on a thread here shortly later.

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I have had good results with the Persil 2-in-1. It has to be the one that says 2-in-1 on the label and not the regular Persil. Don't know what the difference is, but it matters. I don't particularly care for the way it smells and it's very strongly scented, but it does a better job than everything else I've tried. It keeps my heavily used activewear from smelling and it takes care of our sheets far better than anything else I've ever tried short of me having to change them every day. Dh is bald so he has no hair to mitigate the oily skin issue on our pillow cases. Persil is the only thing in all these years that has ever worked.

Unfortunately, most of the local stores sell the regular Persil and not the 2-in-1. I'll pretty much go anywhere, even WalMart, if it means I can get the 2-in-1.

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