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Favorite SOTW 1 Activities?


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We're putting together a class with hands-on activities for Story of the World: Ancients. The AG has so many ideas, but we can only cover 36.


What are your absolute favorites? Obviously, the mummified chicken. What else would you absolutely want your kids to do from the Activity Guide if they were in a class like this?

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Setting up an archaeological dig site

Cave art

Clay sumerian tablets

Making paper

Creating new "Egyptian gods"

Making block ziggarats

Comparison of Noah's Flood and Utnapishtim in Gilgamesh

Physics experiments trying to move "heavy stones" (stacks of books, pencils, string)

Pinch pots

creating the Nile

Learning to write in Greek

Chinese pictogram painting




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The clay tablets were good, as was the model of the Nile. Dd was an Egyptian scribe for Halloween that year. I made a simple tunic from an old bedsheet, and she made a necklace out of a paper plate, and we spray painted toilet paper tubes gold, and she glued some plastic gemstones to it, and they turned out to be some pretty rad bracelet cuff things. She was thrilled with it.

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Definitely use the improved directions from here for Chickie-Hotep. Don't forget the fancy sarcophagus. We used a Stride Rite shoe box for our cornish game hen mummy.


The playmobil Egyptian Pyramid is excellent.


We did cuneiform cookies. From here or referenced here.

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We didn't do many from the AG itself. But our favorites were...


We made Greek temples from paper towel tubes and cardboard (and then let the Roman Playmobil people play in them).


We did a city Greek architecture scavenger hunt looking for different types of columns and key patterns and so forth. This was definitely a DC centric thing, but I think it could work in a number of places, not just those dominated by federal revival.


We made a Roman aqueduct also from paper towel tubes and a cereal box (and lined the cut tube with plastic wrap and poured water down it to see that it flowed - the Playmobil Romans supervised this one too).


We made a "real" miniature Roman road - I can imagine in a class you could make a reasonably "big" one in an old sandbox or something if you had enough raw materials. We did all the layers out of different stuff. It was awesome.


We did a "day at the Roman baths" where the kids steam bathed and there were oils and readings and snacks and also wrestling and more bathing and different temperatures in the water. Obviously that one wouldn't work in a coop though!


Edited by Farrar
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