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Quote your kids on being homeschooled

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Glad to hear it's not just at my house than this happens. My kids actually cheer when I have a migraine. :ack2:


Are you kidding? If I look a little off the 10 and 12 year old are right there, saying "Mom, you don't feel good? You should go upstairs and lie down. Don't worry about us."



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Me: " Do you like being homeschooled?"

ds (12)-"Yes"

Me "Why?"

ds-" I don't know. It's better.


dd (10) "yes", because I get to be w/ my mommy"


dd (10) "yes", because it's fun, and I get to be around you"


Awww, I take back everything I said about them today. Hmmm, or they want something, and they are buttering me up. Whatever, I'll take it! :0)

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Do you like homeschooling?



That's a harder question. Because I'm not hindered by other people in a classroom, I can learn at my own pace. And you can schedule lunch breaks whenever you want.



Do you like homeschooling?



Because I don't have to get up early. And because I get to move at my own pace.



Do you like homeschooling?



Because it is fun when you teach me. And because Frog and Toad is really funny.



Do you like homeschooling?


Why not?

Well, maybe I do like homeschooling.


Homeschooling is fun for me and for you.

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Me: Do you like homeschooling?


DD (13). Yeah...


Me: Why?


DD: Well, I get to sleep late and this is no small thing, believe me. Plus, I get to actually have time to eat lunch (at public school, lunch was at 10:15 a.m. and ended 20 minutes later) and there are no bullies. Oh, and plus, I get to have unusual hobbies.


Me: What do you mean?


DD: Algebra. :lol::lol:


Me: Do you like homeschooling?


DD (7): Yeah...


Me: Why?


DD: Because we can foster dogs at home and they might have to sleep in a grocery cart if I went to school. But when they have an accident on the rug, I want to sometimes go to public school 'stead of helping to clean all that guck up.


Me: Do you like homeschooling?


DS (9): Not really.


Me: Why not?


DS: As long as you have to do English, life pretty much isn't worth living, no matter where you are. :tongue_smilie:


Me: Oh, honey...well, what's your FAVORITE subject?


DS: Lunch. Of course.


Me: Would you rather have lunch at public school or homeschool?


DS: Definitely homeschool.


...So, that's good, right? That he'd rather have lunch at home? Sigh....



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I quizzed my kids this morning.


Me: Do you guys like homeschooling?


Ds(8): Yeah. I like it a lot.


Ds(6): Yes.


Ds(3): No.


Me: Why?


Ds(8): Cause we don't have to go to school all day and we sometimes get done early and it's done.


Ds(6): If we had to go to school we'd have to go right in the morning and would come home at night.


Ds(8): No, you'd come home at 3 or 4 and then for the rest of the night you'd have to do homework.


Ds(6): Yeah, but Daisy (older homeschooled sister) stays home but she has to do some homework at night.


Ds(8): She doesn't have to she just doesn't finish sometimes.


Me: Why else do you like homeschooling?


Ds(8): I don't know. That's all. It's fun.


Ds(6): And we can skip through it.


Ds(8): Zoom!

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