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easy come easy go


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Telling myself to look at this as a huge blessing, to see the bright side. But I started my period yesterday, so today is my heavy day, cramping day, world is ending and I hate everyone day, lol. So yeah.


Yesterday i got a ticket in the mail for a rolling stop at a red light. And a filling fell out and that tooth needs MAJOR dental work. And I still owe the dentist almost $1K for my bridge that the insurance company refused to pay for. 


Today I got a big royalty check in the mail that should cover all that. 


Easy come, easy go. 

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I feel you. We just found out that my dd is missing an adult tooth. It just isn't there in the gums, so regular braces aren't going to cut it. It is going to cost almost twice as much as everyone else we know paid for the braces, then double that to add the implant to where the tooth is missing. It is like one full year of college several years in advance that we weren't counting on. ;( There goes the house repairs I was really hoping for in the next couple of years. Dh nor I nor any of our siblings ever needed braces, so we just had no clue that even less expensive ones might be in the future, much less this.

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I don't know if this will help you... but my dd has horrible cramping, and my ob/gyn said to take Aleve every 8 hours at the first sign of impending period and then throughout the days of the period.  It has helped her a lot.  Obviously, your situation is different than a teen girl, but I wanted to offer that up if you didn't know about it and it might help.

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I don't know if this will help you... but my dd has horrible cramping, and my ob/gyn said to take Aleve every 8 hours at the first sign of impending period and then throughout the days of the period.  It has helped her a lot.  Obviously, your situation is different than a teen girl, but I wanted to offer that up if you didn't know about it and it might help.


Actually I did take Aleve and it helps tremendously. It also reduces bleeding :)  Good stuff. 

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