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Pressure on brain, occular nerve


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Just got a call from my bf. She took her almost 1 yo into the opthomologist for a suspected clogged tear duct. They dismayed her eyes and the dr said that her occular nerves are being pushed out by pressure in the brain. This doctor gave her close to zero guidance on how to proceed and basically just said get in touch with your pediatrician. She’s freaking out.


Has anyone here had this experience? Could you share a bit on what happens next? They just switched insurance and she hasn’t even seen her new ped.

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She just got evaluated for pt. She has a gross motor delay. It’s definitely an aha moment. She has other symptoms, too.


I am with the same insurance company/provider (kaiser) so I gave her my best tips for getting stuff done fast. She’s making phone calls right now.

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Is she Kaiser HMO Or PPO ? The procedure will be different from one to another. I agree with a pediatric neurologist. If she is PPO, is there a Children’s Hospital nearby where she can go? My Dd has a benign tumor in her eye. She needed a brain MRI before proceeding with other treatment and imaging.



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Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Second the pediatric neurologist.   


No idea if this is at all the same, but my friend's DD had something with fluid building up in her brain which led to a midline shift.  They had to do surgery on her, and she is doing OK now (3 years later).  It's something they have to keep watching though. 



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Is she Kaiser HMO Or PPO ? The procedure will be different from one to another. I agree with a pediatric neurologist. If she is PPO, is there a Children’s Hospital nearby where she can go? My Dd has a benign tumor in her eye. She needed a brain MRI before proceeding with other treatment and imaging.



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I'm pretty sure HMO. She actually just got her older son established with a ped neuro, so she knows exactly who she wants to bring the baby to. It's kind of a long story, but basically they saw a ped, disliked him greatly, but he did put in a few referrals for them. When she saw the neuro, the neuro was ticked that the ped didn't put in some other obvious referrals, so right there in the office, the neuro helped her to choose a new provider.


That leads to this moment, with a crazy bombshell and no ped established.

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