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Productivity Planner/Journal


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In an effort to be more productive, I'd like to maybe invest in something like this. I loosely bullet journal, but I want more focused planning. I'd love it if the planner included a space for gratitude journaling.


I've seen the Inspire Now Journal, but it's UK and Amazon won't ship it to me here in the States.


What's your favorite?

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What exactly are you looking for? Something that you can plan (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly?) and journal? How much journaling? Half a page (8.5 by 11), a few sentences, a whole page? Do you want to do habit tracking? Do you want to do lists? Do you want anything else special? What is your favorite kind of binding? Book, loose leaf, spiral?


These are all things to keep in mind when finding a journal.  

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For my goal planning, I'm using PowerSheets this year. Loving it so far (this is my 3rd month using it). While I do refer to this daily, it's not a calendar. It's strictly for goal and productivity planning. 


For my daily planning, I'm using a Day Designer 18-month from last year. They changed the format this year (grrr), but I'll still buy a new one when this one is used up. It has a space for daily gratitude, but not enough room if you wanted to write more than a sentence or two. I jot down only a few words or a short phrase.

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I second the Day Designer. It has a spot on each day's page specifically for gratitude. If the Day Designer original is too pricey, you could try the Day Designer for Blue Sky, which is less expensive. I've used a Day Designer for the past 3 years and love it and I'm definitely more productive when I use it. The Top Three section really gets me to focus on the most important tasks each day.

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For my goal planning, I'm using PowerSheets this year. Loving it so far (this is my 3rd month using it). While I do refer to this daily, it's not a calendar. It's strictly for goal and productivity planning. 



Oh man, I love that - so glad the year one is sold out so I can stick to my January no-spend (no, I'm not acknowledging that they have a 6-month one).


I use the Happy Planner and love it -- I switched to a new layout this year, now it's just a monthly view, no individual weekly views, and has lists and goal areas and such for each month. I love being able to add my own pages to it too. 

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