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Flylady support thread Friday December 1 through Sunday Dec. 3...

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


Please join in on the fun!


We will start the baby steps again January 1, 2018! So if you are a lurker, find us then!


Also if anyone wants to do Accountable Kids with me, let me know. I am starting that up again very soon (maybe before the 1st of the year). 

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Good morning! 


Got laundry in the dryer and washer. Went outside and shoved the leaves into 2 piles in front of my house. I have no trees in my yard so they are all my neighbors so they tend to just be in the gutter on the street. I also changed the sheets on my bed! I am doing good today! :D Lets see how long this lasts. 


Need to fly a bit this morning so I can play this afternoon. I can do this! Who is with me?

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It is up to you what you want to post. I can do a list of things I need to get done. 


  • clean street gutter
  • empty dishwasher
  • breakfast
  • update blog
  • write letter to foster A's mom
  • pack foster child A
  • laundry
  • laundry
  • laundry (3 loads)
  • swish and swipe Upstairs
  • swish and swipe downstairs
  • call about deep fryer - will call me back today
  • lesson plan
  • change sheets on m bed
  • order Accountable Kids 
  • figure out dinner
  • make dinner
  • make cookie list
  • water christmas cactus
  • get ODS to finish homework for german school
  • hot spot one spot
  • start reading Accountable kids book/watch video
  • get thumb drive for foster A
  • upload video/photos to thumb drive for foster A
  • Work on and finish life book for foster A
  • work on meal plan
  • lunch
  • clean kitchen sink
  • put letters on the wall for YDS


I don't think I will finish all of this but hey, it is a start!

Edited by 3 ladybugs
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I've decided on my new baby step or perhaps it's better to call it a project:  degreasing my kitchen cabinets.  I do wipe them down periodically with 409 but I'm ashamed to say that there are some orange grease spots that I cannot get off of them.  And since my cabinets are white, it is especially noticeable.  My goal is one cabinet a day.  But first I need to figure out something that actually works.  409 only gets off the new surface grease.  I had hoped that my 'Scrubtastic" motorized scrub brush would help because scrubbing things tips me into a bad pain flare but it doesn't.  So today I researched online and the consensus seems to be that Murphy's Oil Soap should do the job.  Which I have.  Somewhere.  So today's babystep is finding the Murphy's oil soap.  Keep your fingers crossed.  If I do use it and find out that it doesn't work - auuugh! 

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Just bought my 2018 calendar YESTERDAY. The other day, I went to mark something down for January and realized I didn't have 

anywhere to mark it down!  :ohmy:

I made my own in July. I also have a spot to put future dates that are beyond my current calendar. Makes it easier for me that way. Probably need to make another calendar soon as I have 3-4 in the future dates log. 


I like the way you think Jean. Finding the soap is a good positive first step!!


I told DH that I wanted to go to Ikea tomorrow. I am tired of not having very many spoons in the house (I think we have 6 right now). However I was planning on going without the kids while they are in German class tomorrow. Nope! They have christmas meatballs! I must get those and I can't have Breakfast and Lunch there! It is too far from the school! So I will have to choose! :(


I think I will also pick up some candles when I am there. I would do LED ones but they get horrible reviews. I will just be careful with the cheaper lit kind. I want some more Hygge! 

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After I finished all my normal routines in kitchen , laundry, paperwork (which includes school), then, I went ahead and scrubbed one cabinet with the Murphy's OIl Soap.  It did work better than the 409..  That was immediately clear.  But I still had to really scrub hard.  So now I have one clean cabinet door.  And I'm exhausted.  Fortunately the boys are gone tonight and I don't have to cook.  Dd and I will probably just pop a gluten free pizza in the oven. 

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I got one Ds dropped at an event for the evening, got bills paid, litter boxes cleaned, sweeping done and cleaned out the kitchen sink for the second time. I spent the remainder of the day figuring out my instant pot, I did the water test, made eggs and am currently trying to make potatoes for dinner.

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I got one Ds dropped at an event for the evening, got bills paid, litter boxes cleaned, sweeping done and cleaned out the kitchen sink for the second time. I spent the remainder of the day figuring out my instant pot, I did the water test, made eggs and am currently trying to make potatoes for dinner.

Wait till you join me and cook all of your dinners in it. LOL

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I can't wait!! The potatoes turned out great, I don't think I'll put the sweet potatoes in with white ones again though.

Oh no! Yes they are different densities! 


I did white sweet potatoes in mine last night. They came out green. I don't think that had anything to do with the Instant pot though. I think that is just what they do. 

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3 ladybugs, how are you liking your holiday bends? I took advantage of recent sales and bought a few, even though I wasn't planning to. I'm hoping to try the first today. I'm still trying to decide if I like the blends or making my own, which is what I've done for years. (This if my first diffuser, though, and I wanted to try the ready-made blends.)

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I haven't taken out the diffuser since the trip (got back on Monday). However it is on my list to do today. 


I got wiped out. I woke up at 1:30 this morning coughing. So after realizing that I didn't have to wake up till 7:30 I thought a cough medication that lasts 4 hours or so would be good for me. So I took the night time version. WELL I woke up like a zombie! I am still trying to wake up after having 2 cups of coffee! Clearly my liver really likes cold medicine! I guess this is why 1 dose of benadryl lasts 3 days in me! 


Well I hope everyone is having a good weekend! 

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I am seriously considering restarting Flylady for the manyieth time. 😂🤣😂


I truly do not like doing housework, but I do like a clean, ordered home. Currently I do not have one. 😊


I am terrible at sticking to any schedule I make, even ones that are reasonable. (I have some chronic health issues that wear me out pretty quickly.)


I want peace in my environment, so I need to do something.

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I am seriously considering restarting Flylady for the manyieth time. 😂🤣😂


I truly do not like doing housework, but I do like a clean, ordered home. Currently I do not have one. 😊


I am terrible at sticking to any schedule I make, even ones that are reasonable. (I have some chronic health issues that wear me out pretty quickly.)


I want peace in my environment, so I need to do something.

We will hold your hand! Start out with very small goals. Remember that everyday is just a new opportunity for success. There are no "failure" days. ;)


If it would help, please list your goals for the day and come back and cross them off one by one so we can cheer you on! :D

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Today I did another cabinet front with the Murphy's oil soap mixture.  Yesterday I was in a puddle of pain afterwards.  It hasn't hit me yet today but hopefully it won't be as bad.  It took me hours to recover yesterday.  But I'm thinking that this is my version of P90X.  ;)  - Chronic Illness style.  So 2/16 or 1/8 of the way done with this project. 

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I've decided on my new baby step or perhaps it's better to call it a project:  degreasing my kitchen cabinets.  I do wipe them down periodically with 409 but I'm ashamed to say that there are some orange grease spots that I cannot get off of them.  And since my cabinets are white, it is especially noticeable.  My goal is one cabinet a day.  


Great idea! 




I think I will also pick up some candles when I am there. I would do LED ones but they get horrible reviews. I will just be careful with the cheaper lit kind. I want some more Hygge! 


I need to get more candles as well. 


I haven't taken out the diffuser since the trip (got back on Monday). However it is on my list to do today. 


I got wiped out. I woke up at 1:30 this morning coughing. So after realizing that I didn't have to wake up till 7:30 I thought a cough medication that lasts 4 hours or so would be good for me. So I took the night time version. WELL I woke up like a zombie! I am still trying to wake up after having 2 cups of coffee! Clearly my liver really likes cold medicine! I guess this is why 1 dose of benadryl lasts 3 days in me! 


Well I hope everyone is having a good weekend! 


Hope you feel better soon!

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Today I did another cabinet front with the Murphy's oil soap mixture.  Yesterday I was in a puddle of pain afterwards.  It hasn't hit me yet today but hopefully it won't be as bad.  It took me hours to recover yesterday.  But I'm thinking that this is my version of P90X.  ;)  - Chronic Illness style.  So 2/16 or 1/8 of the way done with this project. 


:laugh:  :grouphug:

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I'm interested in doing accountable kids.


Great! I just ordered yesterday the rest of the components I need for my younger son an any foster's that we may get. I have also read the first step (it is a 4 step program). 


3ladybugs-are you on the instant pot group forum? 

No I am not aware of this group. Please tell me more. I have using Once a Month Meals for instant pot meals. 


Today we need to take out christmas and do a home blessing hour. I have till 3:30 to do so. Ugg!

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I will look for the instant pot group. 


YAY! 3/16!!! 


Well my cousin wanted me to contribute to the family tree that he did on ancestry.com. TALK about a time suck! He has found family members going back to a birthday of 1367. Yeah you read that right. :jawdrop: And we know the name of his wife! I wish it wasn't $20 a month! I would totally sign up for maybe $10 a month. $20 is a bit spendy though! 


In other news, Christmas is starting to come out. I got the kids to help with the home blessing hour this week! DS9 did dusting, DS4 did wiping of door handles. DH did vacuuming and I mopped. :D Need to do this more often! Right now the kids are decorating the tree. :)

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Wow! That is some grime! You might be able to use baking soda in addition to what you are using. It is a mild abrasive so it might help. 


The Murphy's Oil soap is working well.  90% of it comes off easily and immediately.  I have to scrub at a few spots.  Yesterday was a particularly hard cabinet right over the stove and I had to use the Murphy's oil soap at full strength on a couple of spots but that did the trick.  I really doubt that most people would find this task so difficult but my muscle problems make it so for me.  But the good news is that only the first day had the very distressing nerves and muscle twitching for two hours or so. 

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