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The Taking a Tour Teachers Lounge 11-2-2017


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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that a friend and I are taking a tour of Plexus Worldwide (an MLM company) Corporate Tour

in about an hour. No, I'm not a rep but I have a couple of friends and acquaintances who are so, since the company is literally like 20 minutes 

away from where I live, figured I'd go check things out.


What are you all up to today? Here: besides the above it is my son's opening night for his performance. Since I will most likely be attending Fri and Sat,

I think I'll stay home tonight and use the time for doing some NaNoWriMo writing while the house is quiet.


Taking and tours/field trips this week? Here: just the one tour this morning. No time for any others this week!


For my NaNo peeps, I realize it's only Nov. 2nd, but how's your wordcount coming along?


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Hi Scrap!


Regular school day here. We got a late start b/c I woke them up late. Enjoying the early morning by myself and they went to bed late. Swim practice for ds this afternoon and a meeting for me tonight. 


No FT's or excursions this week. We had one last week, though and have loads of theater coming up. 


DD would like to do NNWM, but this year was not the year to jump in. How goes your writing so far?






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Today: School, doctor this morning for me, PT this morning for Ani, Ani's nannying the working, Cameron's working, I'm baby-sitting this afternoon, and then I have a girls night out tonight.


Field Trips: None this week.  Next week we're going to Space Time Park (dinosaurs and planets).

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Today I am doing laundry, cleaning, and making a bunch of chicken stock. Yesterday my sick 2 year old screamed bloody murder anytime I'd leave her side. Then she couldn't breath because she had created so much mucus that she struggled to clear. So I sat in my butt all day! Now I'm playing catch up.


I.also have my study group this evening and an overnight pet sitting job. So u get a lot of kid free time tonight which means I'm going to write.


Tomorrow we are going to a tiny museum with our homeschool group. It focuses in the native American history in our area and has a great nature trail.

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Good morning, Scrap and everyone!


Up to today?  Recovering from dd's mad scramble to get round 1 of her college apps in last night.  The last one was submitted at 11:57 pm for a midnight deadline.  Only 8 more to go before Dec. 1.  I need to help dd create a reasonable schedule for the next round (because she finally admitted that her time management skills needed some work.)  I need to do my summer/winter clothing swap, which means tons of laundry.  And I need to take a ton of pictures of my Usborne samples that I am liquidating.  I want that stuff out of my house by Christmas so that I can close the business for this tax year.  And take ds24 shopping for clothes ... a belated birthday present.


No tours or field trips this week.  Dd is traveling this weekend for an outdoor climbing competition.  I would love to be able to go with her, but I am reluctant to ask for whole weekends off of work.  So, dh is going with her.  They will have a great time.  I will use that alone time for studying and Netflix binging.


No NaNoWriMo here.  That sounds like torture.  

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Taught two science classes, spent a very nice time afterwards talking with some moms, then sort of rushed home because dd was going to stop by so I could review her grad school resume and essay but she decided not to come after all.  And didn't let me know.  And I could have spent more time chatting with some nice moms who had nice kids the same age as my kids who my kids really get along with.  So I'm kind of irritated with her.   Not a big deal I guess since we still have 5 weeks in these classes and everyone lives fairly locally.   But I also didn't do my usual last look around the classroom to make sure everything was in its place and now I"m worried I missed something.


We're getting ready to head out to Tai Kwan Do/Kick-boxing in a little bit.  Then home and feet up for the evening.


We're going hiking with friends tomorrow which I guess is sort of a field trip.  

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