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The It's Over and It's Beginning Teachers Lounge 10-30-2017


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Good morning all and welcome to the day before the last day of October!


Today's theme stems from the fact that I haven't had any kidney stone pain since Friday (thus, the "It's over" part)

and today BEGINS Tech Week for my son - 3 full days of dress rehearsals plus three days of performances (thus, the "It's Beginning" part.)


What's on your schedule this week? Here: see above. Plus, I will be finishing up Directors Gifts (I have some crafting to do for that and have to 

visit a couple of vendors). Along with keeping my daughter on task with her schooling. Oh, and NaNoWriMo starts Wednesday! Ahhh!!! 

THIS may be this week:  :willy_nilly:


What's on your schedule just for today? Here: waking up! Body still doesn't want coffee (sadly) so need some other form of oomph for this morning,

taking kiddo to help set up the stage, and figuring out the order of my week!


What did you do this weekend? Here: Friday I was in pain ALL day but still had to drive kids around to different places. Saturday I was just TIRED all day

(probably from being in pain all day the day before). Sunday was the BEST day because I had no pain and no bladder pressure. So kids and I went to church,

then lunch at Sonic, then to an RV show. DH stayed home to study and take his license renewal exam (he's a loan officer).


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Schedule this week:


We have a field trip on wednesday. It's a reschedule date from late September. DS doesn't really want to go now, so I don't know if we will. Nobody is "counting on us" to be there. 


NaNoWriMo. I was thinking about having DS do this, but I'm not sure if I will yet. If he does it, I'll do it too. 



Need to return library books

It's a short school day today, because I have to drop off a family member somewhere in an hour, and DS is wasting the short amount of time we do have with refusing to look at the paper or pay attention or do any work. 


The weekend:


I was sick, and I got to spend most of the weekend in bed, without kids at home. I got some busy bags made for DD, and got to do some painting of my own. Plus all the laundry got folded.


DH cleaned out the basement while I was in bed, and it actually looks better than it did before, so there's another win!


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Scrap I am so glad you are better.  Yay.



Tech week, what show is it?   Is it just homeschooled kids in it? 





Spent the weekend sick, and I am still sick.  Youngest was up so much last night.   3 kids are not sick and the other 2 just a little.  I am pumping them with vitamins so that is really helping them.  But my lack of sleep isn't helping me.  I tried to take naps and just couldn't sleep.  Same as at night.  I should probably take a sleeping pill. 


Kids have 4 hours of dance tonight and I don't want to go.  

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Good morning, Scrap!


We had our first frost last night and today os a cool, sunny fall day. Our red maple is glorious! Hoping to take a walk today!


Regular week here. Book fair at church Wed night and a dance for Dd's tutorial on Sat.


Today - regular stuff. Schooling both kids, swimming and scouts for ds. Quiet evening at home for me and dd.


This past weekend I scrambled to pull together kids' last minute costume details for a church event on Saturday. Sunday we had church in the morning, and made birthday dinner for my mom and went to a wonderful Reformation concert in the evening. Housework squeezed in around the edges.

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Morning, all!


Plans this week - the wee'un's schedule ramped up as classes end and others begin, so every day this week he has an outside-of-the-home activity.  Just not today.  Today we canceled everything.  We had a wicked storm roll through last night that destroyed power for much of the area due to falling trees and snapped power lines.  Our home is fine, so are his activity places, but we were up for hours last night.  Said child is on day 2 of his pajamas, and I'm not for fighting the issue.  We may move off the couch, but that's still up in the air.



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Dust, after reading your comment, I had to remind myself what I was like when I began participating in NaNoWriMo years ago. But now, I would not go into NaNoWriMo without a plan, or some semblance of one. NaNo IS only two days away, ya know!  ;) Whatever you decide to do, be at peace with that decision!


mommyoffive, every semester my kids (although only one this time around) are in a tuition-based drama class where they audition (slate, do cold reads, etc) and then meet once a week 

for 3.5 hours of rehearsal, for approximately 16 weeks. Could be plus or minus a few weeks, depending on show schedule. It is through a local theater production company that caters to the 

homeschool community and also has a community theater arm. When it comes to the week of the show, they have dress rehearsal M-W, for about 4 hours each day, and one show each on Thurs, Friday, and Sunday. Thus, Tech Week: working on stage setup, technical sound, costume touch ups, smoothing out scenes - all the technical stuff and technique that needs to be dealt with.


margaret, enjoy the time with your daughter!


HomeAgain, no storms here but it's overcast. I'm enjoying the change from constant sun and heat but dd may not get a lot of schoolwork done today, as she doesn't fair well when it's overcast.

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Glad you are feeling better!


Weekend was pretty relaxed.   We skipped church Sunday so we could all sleep in.  Dh spent Saturday putting a new tarp on the roof so it wouldn't leak in Sunday's extreme rain.  I did some cleaning (too little!), prepared classes and school. 


This week will be pretty normal.  I teach my classes Monday (done already) and Thursday.  May have workshops tomorrow or Wednesday but unlikely.  Going TorT a my mother's house tomorrow night, have the 4-H Awards dinner Friday night.  I think that's it.


No NaNoWriMo here.  Writing is where my kids struggle.  We're giving Wordsmith and Wordsmith Apprentice a try.

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On the schedule this week, more scholarship essays, more schoolwork, prep time for the engineering class, more work at my mom's place of business because the going out of business auction is Saturday, getting reports in so we can be reimbursed from the educational grant for expenses for the engineering class, editing senior photos, and somewhere in there I have to do some shopping for my mom.


Worked out today and am sore but will suck it up and be at it again tomorrow.


Ds did his schoolwork with ease, and I intend on curling up on the couch tonight with quilt magazines in order to decide what to make for a friend in Egypt. I need it to be done by Sept 12 when we pack.

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