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Frozen chicken eggs in the shell


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I have read that eggs can be frozen whole with no problem but have never tried it. What was wrong with the yolks?


Depending on the answer I might suggest scrabling and freezing again. But again, depends on what was wrong with the yolks and what the situation was with the freezing and un freezing.

When people say that you can freeze eggs, I believe that they meant out of the shell, scrambled and raw. I defrosted some of the eggs and the whites were fine. The yolks, while not frozen, remained floating yellow orbs. I tried to poke and mush them up, but just broke into pieces and wouldn’t liquify. I’m considering just using all of the whites and tossing the yokes. I hate wasting food! Edited by solascriptura
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The yolks are not "bad" (as in dangerous to eat), it's just that they are made primarily of fat and freeze "ugly".  Keep them frozen until you are ready to scramble them, and then scramble the yolks and whites.  As the yolks heat, they should become easier to blend in with the rest of the egg.  They are also OK to use in baked goods and deviled eggs.

When people say that you can freeze eggs, I believe that they meant out of the shell, scrambled and raw. I defrosted some of the eggs and the whites were fine. The yolks, while not frozen, remained floating yellow orbs. I tried to poke and mush them up, but just broke into pieces and wouldn’t liquify. I’m considering just using all of the whites and tossing the yokes. I hate wasting food!


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Once in awhile I have some that freeze if I put them in the wrong spot in the fridge. They are still usable. If they crack though, I throw them out.

Do I have to throw them out if they cracked when frozen rock hard? I would throw them out too if they were liquid, but the eggs all have cracks with no leakage. Do you know what I mean?

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I think they're fine, safety wise, if they're frozen. I would use them .


Do I have to throw them out if they cracked when frozen rock hard? I would throw them out too if they were liquid, but the eggs all have cracks with no leakage. Do you know what I mean?

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I've got more frozen eggs in my freezer than I want to admit. (Sometimes we don't get to them fast enough in the winter.) We reserve frozen eggs for baking.

If when we collect eggs one is cracked, we crack it into a dish and put it into the freezer. If it's already frozen, it goes into a ziploc bag,

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