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Making stir fry with frozen stir fry veggie mix


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I like stir fry, but I need a new recipe to use when I cook it.


The thing is I hate shopping and chopping fresh vegetables for it. So I often buy a frozen stir fry veggie mix. I put some oil into a pan, add the stir fry veggie mix and sometimes some extra frozen green beans or broccoli, and after it cooks for a few minutes I add some soy sauce. I usually add some already cooked chicken that was in my freezer and I defrosted and mix it in when I put the soy sauce in. I then cook it until it almost tastes burnt and call it done.


How can I spice it up my stir fry while still using frozen veggies in a kid-friendly way? I don't think my kids would like teriyaki sauce, but they do like soy sauce.


I'm also too cheap to buy steak, so bonus if your recipe is for chicken stir fry. Thanks!

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I just made chicken stir fry tonight. I do always use fresh veggies, but it is the sauce/base that might help you out. I use chicken broth and add about 2 Tbsp soy sauce, 2Tbsp brown sugar, 2Tbs rice vinegar. After I have added that, I mix a bit more chicken broth with 2 teas cornstarch to make a good sauce. I often stir in an extra 1/4 teas of chili paste, but this depends on whether we feel like having some heat to it or not. Fresh ginger is a great addition, too, but you could use a bit of ground powdered ginger too (I did it this way tonight.)

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My basic go to stir fry sauce:

1/3 cup Bragg's Liquid Aminos

1/3 cup water (or chicken broth)

1/4 cup honey (or brown sugar)

2-3 or more cloves of crushed garlic

1 tbl fresh grated ginger

A big squirt of siracha or some red chili paste

A big pinch or more crushed red pepper flakes

A tbl or 2 of corn starch if I want a thicker sauce

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I usually use:

soy sauce or tamari

a little maple syrup

squeeze of lime


That's it. Sometimes I'll add sambal oolek for some heat but not always. I add garlic and black pepper when I'm making the stirfry. I almost always use frozen vegetables for stirfry. That's what makes it an easy meal to throw together; no pre-planning on what vegetables to buy. I do use a fresh onion and I almost always add sauteed mushrooms that I've frozen in one cup containers.

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Ginger, garlic, and teriyaki sauce make all the difference. I haven’t tried to frozen veggies since I tend not I stir fry when I’m trying to use up small amounts of veggies and I have old rice in the fridge. I did add a little cabbage last time and that really boosted the flavor. I’ll definitely do cabbage again. The good thing with kids is that you can barely SEE the cabbage.


ETA: a scrambled egg is nice for cheap protein.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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