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All better......found a solution :0)


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I took dd10 to swimming lessons tonight.Dh decided to start the self cleaning feature on the oven.  :banghead:


So, now i have the cheap exhaust fan running which is ridiculously loud and annoying to have on even when I am cooking...... and the kitchen window wide open (with the heat on in the house for at least 2 more hours).  He also left the racks in there, which ruins the finish on them. 


I have a massive fan aversion I can't even stand the sound of the ceiling fan being on.  The sound of fans drive me up the wall.  It is right up there with someone else's whiney child and a tired,cranky kid who is crying for no reason. 


Can someone please tell me WHY he did this on a cold October night at bedtime ????????  You can't stop it once it starts unless you unplug it and it has already been going for almost an hour, so it is too hot to do that.


I sleep 15 feet from the oven in a room  that doesn't have a door.  It is loud,  smokey, and there is a very cold breeze blowing through right now. (open floor plan downstairs so there isn't anywhere to hide). We don't sleep together.  He is all snuggly in bed upstairs in the  room that is farthest away from the stove,  was shut up tight, so ...smoke free.... and is warm and quiet.  :rant:


I run it when I know I am going to be home, but outside working in the yard so I can avoid the smoke. I have asthma so it could be a long night. 



Hmmmm, maybe if I trip the breaker it will turn off?  Might have to think about that one!   Will have to see if there is anything else on that circuit.




ETA: found a solution. I came upstairs and hid in dd18s room.  I don't like to sleep in her bed because it is memory foam (stiffer than I like) but perfect for hiding out for an hour! Yeah. I can breath! LOL  


Since he pushed the button, he will get to finish the job tomorrow, The oven still needs to be cleaned out and I swear using the self cleaning feature almost takes longer than normal cleaning.  The ash makes such a mess and I always have to wash the oven with soapy water a few times to get the ash residue off the walls. Ill leave all that fun for him! LOL I'm sure he has no idea that cleaning the oven is more than pushing the button. LOL



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Wait, your DS or your DH started the cleaning cycle?  I think it is your DH but the post isn't clear.


If it is your DH, can't you make him sleep next to the oven since he started the cycle?  Are you staying nearby because you are concerned about fire?

Sorry, fixed that.  


Nope, not staying nearby to watch it.  That is just where I sleep.  

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So glad you found a solution (and that my landlord listened to me when I said please, please, please don't replace that with another self-cleaning oven and I'll do my best to buy whatever cheapest normal oven you can find off you when I can't be your tenant any more if your new tenants don't want it, lol)

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So glad you found a solution (and that my landlord listened to me when I said please, please, please don't replace that with another self-cleaning oven and I'll do my best to buy whatever cheapest normal oven you can find off you when I can't be your tenant any more if your new tenants don't want it, lol)

You don’t have to use the self-clean feature if you don’t want to, so why would it matter?


That would have annoyed me! Hope you got some sleep.

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