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Help me make a decision...


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I signed up for another math class.  It starts next week.  I'm having cold feet about doing it.  If I cancel now I can get my money back.  I literally have only today and tomorrow to decide this though.


My reasoning for not being sure?  Well, first I'm not sure I feel like the stress of it.  My kids' school work is taking me more time than ever to keep on top of. I'm still very active daily with homeschool stuff.  I spend hours per day working on this.  Which is fine.  I've done so for 10 years and that's what I feel works best and is in line with how I wanted things to go down with homeschooling.  The rest of the time I play taxi and homemaker.  Sitting here thinking about this class starting next week I'm dreading the nerves, the study time, etc.  Also, I am feeling a little broke after all the medical bills.  I still have enough money to pay for it, but I feel guilty for spending the money on it because the practical side of me wonders what the point is of taking the class. The only point right now is personal enjoyment.  I know, that's not nothing, but I can do other enjoyable things that cost less money too.  Part of it might just simply be nerves.  I was very nervous about the other class.  I did well and was glad I took it.  The dread wore off after the first class.  But I'm feeling that dread at the moment.  I am not feeling excited and happy about it.  Just dread.  (I need another month off I think...LOL) 


I can't make up my mind.  Everyone in my life is telling me to do it.  But why?  LOL



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I'm currently taking 3 classes at my local community college.  I took 2 classes this summer, 1 at a time, during their 2, five week summer intensives.  Before that, it had been over 24 years since I had taken a class.


It was a bit overwhelming.  I had forgotten how much I hate to study and how nerve wracking tests are.  But you know what? I did fine.  I got A's in both summer classes (which was A&P, 1 and 2)


While I did fine, and I am doing more, I don't know how motivated I'd be without an end game.  I am taking these classes as prereq's for the OTA program I want to apply for in a couple of months.  


School is a lot of work, and I have 3 boys all in school right now that need help with their school work as well. I am tired. :)


But If you really wanted to take the class, then go for it.  Taking it may spark another interest or new direction for you.  If you had the money set aside, then just do it and see how it goes.  


1 class is not like taking 5.  And while it's a little bit of money, it's not a huge amount.  See where it takes you.  Something sparked your desire to do it, so see where it leads.


Good luck, no matter what you decide.



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I'm currently taking 3 classes at my local community college.  I took 2 classes this summer, 1 at a time, during their 2, five week summer intensives.  Before that, it had been over 24 years since I had taken a class.


It was a bit overwhelming.  I had forgotten how much I hate to study and how nerve wracking tests are.  But you know what? I did fine.  I got A's in both summer classes (which was A&P, 1 and 2)


While I did fine, and I am doing more, I don't know how motivated I'd be without an end game.  I am taking these classes as prereq's for the OTA program I want to apply for in a couple of months.  


School is a lot of work, and I have 3 boys all in school right now that need help with their school work as well. I am tired. :)


But If you really wanted to take the class, then go for it.  Taking it may spark another interest or new direction for you.  If you had the money set aside, then just do it and see how it goes.  


1 class is not like taking 5.  And while it's a little bit of money, it's not a huge amount.  See where it takes you.  Something sparked your desire to do it, so see where it leads.


Good luck, no matter what you decide.


No end game.  That is another factor.  What's the point is what I think?  I could list some "points".  I'm not sure the points are strong enough.


That said, one pro in favor of doing it, is I really have nothing that is just for me.  During my free time I mostly blow it on chatting on-line or playing really really dumb games on my tablet.  Am I going to look back and that fondly?  No.  If I learn something that is hard, I'll feel proud I did it.  Who knows, maybe it could lead to something else in the future.  And at some point I won't have homeschooling or my kids around so much.  So if I wasn't doing anything else all that time, I'm not working towards anything either.  And I don't like that thought so much. 

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I'm not up on what your goals are. Is this a class working towards a degree?


No, not really (at the moment).  One of my goals has always been to learn more math.  So I suppose it fulfills that goal.  But that's not exactly practical or necessary.  That's not the only reason to learn something though.  Is it? 

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How do your feelings compare with the feelings from last semester? You said you dreaded it first and then you liked it.


About the same.  So I wonder if my feelings are more fear of not being able to do it more than dreading the whole thing.  The first day of class I was so scared of not being able to keep up.  Like I had no business being there.  I just thought well I'm gonna give it a chance and do it despite the fact I'm not entirely sure it'll work out.  I'm not a risk taker.  If I'm not certain I can do something, I often won't even try to.  But it did work out.  And it was rather silly that I was so worried about it because I didn't just barely get through.  I did really well.  Way better than I thought I could. 


So all the more reason to do it right?


This is helpful.

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About the same.  So I wonder if my feelings are more fear of not being able to do it more than dreading the whole thing.  The first day of class I was so scared of not being able to keep up.  Like I had no business being there.  I just thought well I'm gonna give it a chance and do it despite the fact I'm not entirely sure it'll work out.  I'm not a risk taker.  If I'm not certain I can do something, I often won't even try to.  But it did work out.  And it was rather silly that I was so worried about it because I didn't just barely get through.  I did really well.  Way better than I thought I could. 


So all the more reason to do it right?


This is helpful.


So you feel the same as last time. And last time you overcame the dread and had a positive experience and were very successful. You did better than you think you could.

Unless your external circumstances have changed and you suddenly have significantly less time available, I think you should just DO it. Especially since this is the ONE thing you do for yourself. It is self care. Some women spend that money at the spa, some buy shoes - you buy yourself a calculus course. That's way cool.

Edited by regentrude
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Oh, and do you want to know something? I feel dread before going into my first class every semester. I am the instructor! I relax ten minutes into my first class, but I am sick to my stomach every first day of every semester: what if I can't pull it of again?


Wow, and see I would have never guessed that you felt that way.

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No, not really (at the moment).  One of my goals has always been to learn more math.  So I suppose it fulfills that goal.  But that's not exactly practical or necessary.  That's not the only reason to learn something though.  Is it? 


No, I don't think so. For years, I've said I'd be happy being a professional student. I absolutely love taking college classes, especially topics that interest me. I just like learning. 


If I didn't have a dd in college right now, I'd go back to school myself. I actually do have a degree I'd like to work on but that wouldn't be my main reason for going.


I think it's important to have something for you that makes you feel good. I understand school can be a bit stressful but you got through last semester. Did you enjoy it overall? If so, go on and take the class. 

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Do it because you deserve it.


Secondary to that, do it because you'll be a good role model for your kids by showing them learning is a lifetime thing, in addition to the million other things they'll see.


Do it because math.



Because math.

Edited by Ailaena
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No, I don't think so. For years, I've said I'd be happy being a professional student. I absolutely love taking college classes, especially topics that interest me. I just like learning. 


If I didn't have a dd in college right now, I'd go back to school myself. I actually do have a degree I'd like to work on but that wouldn't be my main reason for going.


I think it's important to have something for you that makes you feel good. I understand school can be a bit stressful but you got through last semester. Did you enjoy it overall? If so, go on and take the class. 


I could totally be a professional student.  I just wish it paid better.  LOL!

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