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Derek Owen algebra question parent-grading option

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Editing at the top to say that this had been solved. I did receive the answers.


We started DO last week with the parent grading option for half price. I think I may have misunderstood what was involved. I thought they would have the solutions to the homework and tests so that I could just grade it myself. I'm not seeing that option. Does parent grading really mean that I have to work the problems myself in order to have the answers? Any advice? Do I just have to pay the full $59 per month and have them grade it?

Edited by PineFarmMom
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I emailed and asked for solutions and received only the solutions to the homework problems. A second email request got me the solutions to the chapter tests.

Now the only thing I am missing are the semester exams. Just keep asking until you get what you need :)


I bought a solutions manual to the text in case we need help with the practice problems.


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I emailed and asked for solutions and received only the solutions to the homework problems. A second email request got me the solutions to the chapter tests.

Now the only thing I am missing are the semester exams. Just keep asking until you get what you need :)


I bought a solutions manual to the text in case we need help with the practice problems.

So this is presently, this year?

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That would be a bummer. I was planning on this for at least one of my students next year. Please let us know if anything changes.


I would definitely push back again since that was nut your understanding when you signed up, as well as not being the experience of many other people you have spoken with.

Edited by SusanC
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That would be a bummer. I was planning on this for at least one of my students next year. Please let us know if anything changes.


I would definitely push back again since that was nut your understanding when you signed up, as well as not being the experience of many other people you have spoken with.

I emailed back and told them I am requesting the answers to homework, tests, and semester exams. I hope they will provide them. My son told me he really likes the videos and the work so far. We used Saxon 8/7 last year. He did well, but oh we were so so weary of it!! We were thankful for this change.

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FYI - about two weeks ago, I signed up for the half-price option for Derek Owens. In the comments I said that I wanted the half-price option and would grade myself. Derek Owens emailed me the zipfile of all the solutions before I ever even got an invoice for the first month. I have done several courses through him and have never had a problem getting the solutions. This year he also sent me a supplemental file of extra videos to calculus problems without me asking - I didn't even know they existed. 


I have no idea why someone is being told that they have to pay the full price for the solutions (unless it is misunderstood and they think you want support and grading). I do know sometimes the solutions are not always sent right away and a simple email requesting them is needed, but I've never heard of a problem getting them.


Every time I've done a half-price course (this year is my fourth), I've always gotten the solutions to the homework, tests, and exams without any difficulty. The solutions for the practice problems are online (at least this year for us - I don't honestly remember how we got them in the past, but I think they have always been online). The actual semester exam has to be requested through the student portal, but I always have already had the solutions.


Hope it all works out for everyone.

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If using the self-grading option, will they still provide homework help if your dc has a question about a problem?


No support is given with the half-price option, just access to all the materials and videos. 


The half-price option is fantastic for me as I am quite capable of supporting (or teaching) the material, but my son needed someone other than me to be the first line teacher. The videos work fantastically for that.



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I emailed back and told them I am requesting the answers to homework, tests, and semester exams. I hope they will provide them. My son told me he really likes the videos and the work so far. We used Saxon 8/7 last year. He did well, but oh we were so so weary of it!! We were thankful for this change.


PineFarmMom - let us know how it turns out. If he isn't giving you the same half-price option that I've always gotten, then I'd like to email him and ask why. I've been a supporter of DO and his half-price option, but I don't want to give out mis-information if he is no longer doing this. I"d be surprised as I just signed up for the half-price option myself two weeks ago and had no problems getting the solutions. 

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They sent me the solutions. I really wonder if there was a miscommunication. I am wondering if the secretary thought I wanted written-out solutions and not just an answer key?!? DO emailed me the answers and was nice about it, saying they thought I had already received them. I'm going to update the original part too. I'm happy. Do really likes his teaching!!!

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