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Youtube: any full-length school days recorded?

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I'd love to have that available as screen time for a certain kid who thinks Homeschool takes too long lol. Lemme know if you find anything.


Yes. And this is exactly why I want it.... A certain 8 year old has been using the phrase "It's not fair" way, way too much much for my liking lately...

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I sent mine to basketball camp for a week - 9-2pm. He was exhausted every day. I told him, imagine doing math, and science, and other classes for that whole time, plus some!  :laugh:


I didn't send him to camp hoping he would get that message, it was just an interesting side effect.




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My kids were in public school. It was only 6 hrs. I won't mind if it was 8 hrs since the school has a no homework policy. The bell schedule they had is quoted below. My oldest was in 4th grade public school when he was 8 years old. I think a 6hr YouTube video would already exceed storage space for uploading on YouTube even if the video was put up for teacher education.


"Gr. 3-5

8:20 Arrival Bell

8:28 Warning Bell

8:30 School Begins

10:15-10:30 Recess

12:10-12:50 Lunch

2:46 Dismissal


Wednesday & Minimum Day

Gr. 3-5

8:20 Arrival Bell

8:28 Warning Bell

8:30 School Begins

10:15-10:30 Recess

12:10-12:55 Lunch

1:37 Dismissal"

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Once he started making neighborhood friends who weren't home until 4-ish on weekdays, while he was able to play outside starting around 2, he started to get the picture. Why be at school for the whole time dad is at work when you can wake up a bit late, do school, then play for 2-3 hours before dad comes home?


But I can see the video of a school day thing backfiring if you kid happens to think it looks like fun. One day is fun. 180 days? In a second or third grade classroom? Not so much. 

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I sent mine to basketball camp for a week - 9-2pm. He was exhausted every day. I told him, imagine doing math, and science, and other classes for that whole time, plus some! :laugh:

My DS12 went to math summer camp from 8:30am to 4:15pm from Monday to Saturday for two weeks and told me to sign him up for the next camp. It was a 12 day camp that cost about $3k. This kid is still doing math at around 5:50pm because he doesn't want to stop. So YMMV.



He is still doing his work merrily. It is his intermediate number theory class homework. My DS11 craves spring break camp, summer camp and winter break camp. He just loves being surrounded by humans and he prefers age peers. He goes to YMCA camp from 7:15pm to 6pm everyday for two weeks (10 days) and doesn't want to go home.

Edited by Arcadia
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See, my kid could get his stuff done in about 3 hours: 1 of those is just reading, half in English, half in German, and another 1 is practicing viola and piano - which is the highlight of his day, and another half hour is his daily chores, leaving just 30ish extra minutes of "school". But he dilly dally's so much that he was rushing to finish stuff before dinner tonight so that he could still go to Awanas. He seems to feel it's completely unfair that his preschool age siblings don't have chores or "work" that takes as long as his. So, since their chores only take 5-10 minutes, and his take 20-30, he spends an hour complaining and playing with the laundry, and then still has 20 minutes of it left after that... lol. 


He is mostly a cheerful kid who is very thankful to be homeschooled. He's been known to brag to our friends and family that he gets to learn piano AND viola AND he still has time to build with legos and play outside every day. But occasionally he loses sight of that, and needs to be reminded of how thankful he actually is. ;) We moved recently, so he doesn't have any close friends who go to school, and he tends to forget how lucky he is when he doesn't have peers around who aren't allowed to play in the afternoon because they had school until 3 and now still have homework.

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He seems to feel it's completely unfair that his preschool age siblings don't have chores or "work" that takes as long as his.


He is not alone, and neither are you.


I think it's really, really common for homeschooled kids at this age who see their younger siblings (and for us, younger neighbors) running around free to accept that they have to do a certain amount of schoolwork. Totally normal in homeschool.


It certainly has been especially hard for us around second grade. First grade is so low-key. Second grade steps up. It's hard! Instead of comparing to public school-- never works for us, and I don't really want to create feelings of superiority or dread surrounding public school in my kids-- compare to other homeschoolers. There are a lot of other 8 year olds saying, "it's not fair!" and lots of moms wasting their time trying to counter feelings with logic.


Instead of trying to convince my kids that they're lucky and being ungrateful for all the free time they do have, I have more success just accepting that they are not going to feel happy about it, it's normal, it's one of the many hard things about growing up. And maybe it would be different if they were in school and their younger siblings were, too, but there would be different hard things there. In any case, I find just acknowledging my kids' anger/resentment about this and then requiring them to do their lessons with me when I say so works best for all of us. I don't waste time trying to change their feelings, but don't let those feelings rule our schedule.

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I'm not going to pretend I don't regularly "motivate" my kids in the mornings by saying, "YOUR FRIENDS HAVE ALREDY BEEN IN SCHOOL FOR TWO HOURS!"  


But... I don't think it's the best way.  LOL.  :-D  


For the older vs younger sibling, I find my best approach is to - in a moment of non conflict- pull out the ol' photo album and remind the older ones that they used to be toddlers/pre-schoolers, too.  That they also had endless days of lego and sandbox.  And that things move on.  Sometimes a little trip down memory lane can help with bonding and reminding the kid of how far they've come.  

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I'm not going to pretend I don't regularly "motivate" my kids in the mornings by saying, "YOUR FRIENDS HAVE ALREDY BEEN IN SCHOOL FOR TWO HOURS!"  


But... I don't think it's the best way.  LOL.  :-D  


For the older vs younger sibling, I find my best approach is to - in a moment of non conflict- pull out the ol' photo album and remind the older ones that they used to be toddlers/pre-schoolers, too.  That they also had endless days of lego and sandbox.  And that things move on.  Sometimes a little trip down memory lane can help with bonding and reminding the kid of how far they've come.  


You're right and that does usually work. I think I was just so frustrated yesterday (it was a bad day for a lot of reasons!), coming on the heels of a week full of complaining older kids and sick little kids, that I was feeling punitive and I shouldn't have posted probably. Though now I am curious if something like this could even exist (maybe a live feed from a classroom?). :)


Thank you all for both the encouragement and sympathy, as well as the gentle reminders that there are better ways. 

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When my boys have given me problems, I go onto our local school's website and pull one of the daily schedules for their grade.  We then start our day at the school's start time, do each subject for as long as the allotted time on the school's schedule, takes lunch at the allotted time, etc, until school dismissal.  They get the point -- LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is funny because I always think about you know what you know.  Kids who have never been in public school really don't have any concept of how much better the homeschool schedule is compared to a public school day.  My nephews were in public school for years before being homeschooled and they will routinely share their school memories with my kids.  My kids still like to complain about how long their day is and so on and I do remind them of how much better our schedule is, but I still don't really think they get it because this is all they know.  

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This is one of the only good things to come out of DD going to PS last year for 3rd. I used to get major complaints over every bit of school just for 2nd grade. She really felt like every minute of school was just me taking her away from play time. After a year of PS, now she gets it. She may not always be happy about it, but she doesn't act like I'm just doing it to be mean and she knows the alternative isn't all day play time. 


She does, however, still have a hard time with the fact she has more work than her 5yo sister. 

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My oldest child goes to public school. He leaves at 7, home at 3:30. He loves the hours, I think most of all. It cuts down on free time, which to him feels like torture. And, you know...as an adult, he's not going to have 8+ hours of free time a day, so if that is such torture, I don't know the benefit of training so heavily for him to love it as a kid.


Just throwing it out there that maybe the promise of "free time" isn't as motivating as you would think.


I have 2 sons (homeschooled) that adore their slow and easy, lots of free time, schedule, but that oldest.... Cut from a different cloth for sure.

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