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I'm not registered to vote! (Thought I was)

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I registered by sending in a form from Rock the Vote (I know, I'm so rad).

I hadn't heard anything back, so I checked today to see where my polling place was--and I'm not registered. The website says I should still go, demand to vote, and then sort it out later. Really?

Any help out there? There's a number to call, but wwyd?

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I registered by sending in a form from Rock the Vote (I know, I'm so rad).

I hadn't heard anything back, so I checked today to see where my polling place was--and I'm not registered. The website says I should still go, demand to vote, and then sort it out later. Really?

Any help out there? There's a number to call, but wwyd?

That probably means I'm not registered either. Dh and I did the Rock the Vote things.


I'm not interested in making a stand. So the demanding to vote won't help. Let us know what you decide to do?

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let me know how it goes if you show up at your polling place and demand to vote...


:lol: Yeah...I did that once, 2 years ago. Didn't go well. There was a mistake (on our end) in the fact that we had moved to another county. We couldn't go to the other county we were registered in because, if I remember correctly, we were no longer registered there because we had moved? I had proof that I was a US citizen, born in the US (had my birth certificate and DL), made a big fuss (no yelling or raising my voice or anything...just didn't back down) about it - volunteers were letting me use their cell phones to talk to people in charge at the courthouse - all to no avail.


It still bothers me in a way. But I understand now, that it's within the state's right to determine the voting process (being registered), aside from the constitutional amendments.


Anyway, I agree with this - good luck with the demanding. ;)

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Here in Indiana...you have to go to the county then township to register. I haven't registered since I was 18 because I have been here since I was 18. Yep same township!!


We only re-register if we moved out of the township. I wouldn't register by mail. I would do it via courthouse.


Let me know how it goes tomorrow for you.


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Provisional's the best you can do at this point. But since you already know you aren't registered you may want to call your county board of elections, explain when and how you registered, and see if there's any way they can do another search for your registration form.


Another option. Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

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We couldn't go to the other county we were registered in because, if I remember correctly, we were no longer registered there because we had moved?

You'd have to check to be sure, but in some states you can still vote at your former voting location after you've moved as long as it's within a certain time frame after your move. When I lived in Michigan that was the case...I don't remember how many weeks or months after your move they gave you.

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