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award question

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My daughter just won first place in a Hemingway writing contest. She has already submitted her application to her top choice college. However, I have not sent in her transcript yet. I needed to buy black ink first. I was planning to send the transcript today. Should I add the award to her transcript or should she contact the school and somehow add it to her application materials? It was a significant award that comes with a nice check and a presentation by one of the Hemingway family members.

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Thanks everyone! We played with adding it to the transcript, but it didn't look right. We hadn't made a section for awards and don't want to re-create a whole transcript that really needs to be in the mail today. She is going to contact the school about mailing/emailing a copy of the certificate to have added to her file. Admissions has been helpful in the past, so I think they will be willing to slip it in with her other papers.

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