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Rental cars?


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I'm looking into getting a rental car, but I want to pick it up in one location and return it about 1,000 miles away.  It appears as if most companies will charge me an additional $500 to drop it off in a different location.  Is that typical?  Am I missing something?

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Completely normal. Quite reasonable. Are you going to drive directly from origin to destination in 2 days? If so when you ready to leave to drive to your destination city call the Car Control person for several major rental car companies in the origin city and ask if they have a car they need returned to your destination city. Call local office in major airport in origin city. Don't call national phone numbers. They might pay for the gas to get the car back to where it is supposed to be.


Sent from my SM-G355M using Tapatalk

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I don't know why this works, but it works for me many times.  Start with KAYAK.com  an on-line car rental booking with pick-up from one airport with return to another airport. After the price comes up that is usually quite high, do not finalize rental. closeout the reservation . Then do again directly with a  rental company or four, five. .  Do not finalize.   take a long break.  Then resume, using the same computer ( or internet router) , on-line reservations with the same companies.  At this point a normal rental price might show up for the one-way.  Pay attention to those pop-up ads, sometimes the deal is in those. Similar thing happens on Ebay and Amazon, if I take a long  break (say morning, then evening, even next day)  after  various searches, better deals often appear when I resume.  . Maybe the system is rigged to test how eager somebody wants the deal and to take advantage of it.

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RE: Post #5.   I have seen that. Sometimes I will go to a web site, and then go to leave that web page, and a pop up will come up, offering a lower price, if I buy within 30 minutes or something like that.


OP:   Even within the same state, the Rental Car companies Car Control people want to get the out of town cars they have in their lot back to the cities that own them, ASAP.   For example, if a Houston car is in Dallas, they want to get it back to Houston, ASAP.


I suspect that an out-of-state car, they would be even more eager to get rid of. When we were in Orlando last year, the Dollar clerk told us to choose from any of the Intermediate cars. We were looking for a big trunk, light color and if possible, a Toyota Camry.  Didn't see any Camrys.  There was one car that my wife and I both liked, but it had Michigan tags.  We both thought renting that car, in FL, might have attracted the police, more quickly, than a car with an FL tag.  We ended up with a Chevy that was fine.  Probably harder for them to rent that car with the MI tags in FL...

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