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Any input on this random list of schools?


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None of these is local to us, although we've visited all but two of the campuses, but please speak up if you have any relevant (or irrelevant, for that matter) information on any of these schools:


James Madison U

East Carolina U

U of Toledo

U of Cincinnati

Towson U



I am particularly interested in campus culture, but really--no tidbit is too small to potentially be of use to us.  The potential Duke/Pirate/Rocket/Bearcat/Bobcat/whatever Fordham is is probably majoring in something for which it doesn't matter where she goes.  Assume COA is relatively comparable.

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Fordham Rams.


Which two schools did you not visit?


I have visited JMU and Fordham. 


ECU seems to be a popular school here in NC. 


JMU seemed to have a more competitive admission requirement regarding languages and science than other schools. 


Fordham had extra hoops for homeschoolers to go through (if I am remembering right - I was reading there admissions stuff a couple of weeks ago).

Fordham - I would have concerns for safety in certain areas off campus (Rose Hill), but our family loves the Arthur Ave. area and the beauty of the campus.  DD is interested in the Manhattan campus for dance. 








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Fordham Rams.


Which two schools did you not visit?


I have visited JMU and Fordham. 


ECU seems to be a popular school here in NC. 


JMU seemed to have a more competitive admission requirement regarding languages and science than other schools. 


Fordham had extra hoops for homeschoolers to go through (if I am remembering right - I was reading there admissions stuff a couple of weeks ago).

Fordham - I would have concerns for safety in certain areas off campus (Rose Hill), but our family loves the Arthur Ave. area and the beauty of the campus.  DD is interested in the Manhattan campus for dance. 


Ahh, yes--Rams.


We have not (at least yet) visited Towson or Fordham.  

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I grew up near Towson and my sister went there. I had high school friends who went there. Most everyone I knew there commuted. However, that was 25-30 years ago and that may not be the case nowadays. In fact, because I grew up so close to it, it probably is situational bias that I think of it as a commuter school. My sister's degree is in athletic training. She did her practicum experience with the UMBC lacrosse team, though. I feel like Towson has grown in stature over the years like KSU has.


ECU was thought of as the dumb jocks school. And I knew a couple of dumb jocks who went there. I believe Ron Clark went to school there.


JMU is in a gorgeous area. But you already knew that.


U of Cincinnati--I have a couple of former students who are there on women's basketball scholarships from my previous high school. I did like the fact that they recruited both girls together so they would have a friend with them.


I recently drove through Toledo. Totally unhelpful there.

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ECU has a rep as a party school. I've only known two kids in recent years who went there. It wasn't the first choice for either of them, and both transferred after freshman year (at which point both were accepted by their top choice school as transfers). We spent an afternoon around the campus a couple of years ago and it was very "meh" to me. But it sure does seem to have a good following, so I'm sure there's quite a lot that's appealing to some students. And it's not too far to the Outer Banks beaches. ;)

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ECU was thought of as the dumb jocks school. And I knew a couple of dumb jocks who went there. 



Well, this kid is kind of a. . .   NO, kidding, not really!  One of the reasons I liked it was that the coach made such a huge deal about the athletes' GPAs being the highest in their conference.  I got the impression that it was an athletic department-wide effort.  Maybe they're trying to shed this image?  I thought the focus was a wee bit conspicuous, but if that is their rep, it makes sense.

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I live in VA and have toured a significant number of VA schools. My dd and I were completely unimpressed with JMU. They managed to give the admissions seminar / tour combo that was the most lacking in any substance despite taking a significant amount of time. Every synonym for "we are all happy here" with no explanation. I started to wonder since they didn't describe actually doing anything to make themselves happy, if the school was just handing out drugs to make everyone happy. 


That said we do know a significant number of people who attended and liked the school. My niece is a senior there now and is glad she chose the school. 

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