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Vegan resources needed


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After watching another documentary last night about all the junk in our food and because we all have health issues, my son and I are thinking about trying a more plant based diet.  We are already completely gluten free and dairy free except for the occasional cheese.


Anyone recommend any good websites or blogs with good recipes to get started?  Or cookbooks?  


We are not big vegetable eaters so this may be a tough switch for us.  





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Since we (Eastern Orthodox) eat vegan at least half the year, any Orthodox fasting cookbooks or blogs would work.  For example, there's a cookbook called When You Fast by Catherine Mandell.  Often parishes have self-produced cookbooks, too.  The only caveat with Orthodox cookbooks is that we do have shrimp and similar seafood (not fish) on fasting days, so you might see some of that in an otherwise vegan recipe.  We use the term "Lenten" instead of vegan so you could Goodsearch "Lenten Orthodox recipes."

Edited by milovany
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