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AIG woes hit our family...

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My husband was informed last Tuesday that AIG is closing down his office Nov. 21st. They gave him 5 weeks of severance after 4 years. We are hanging in there and confident that God will do something good with this. The thought of our income ending at Christmas is a little scary. We listed our house immediately, but with me staying home to homeschool our three boys, our income options are limited. I can get part time work opposite his hours, but then not see my husband bc someone has to take care of the boys. I made some jewelry in the hopes of doing a craft show and/or selling to our fantastic friends and neighbors. I listed them on my blog, so please pray that someone will buy them!!! We are doing fine and are really positive, but I'm not sure that I have comprehended this yet. It's just mindblowing. Every job opening here is a HUGE paycut, so we'd have to sell our house and leave our neighborhood. And the ones that are in other places are in places we've never considered living. SO, my faith is being stretched big-time. Is homeschooling in California really that difficult? The websites that I've found don't seem like it, but they also don't seem to be written in English.:001_huh:

Is anyone else out there going through this?

Would you pray for our family as we experience this?

Thanks a ton!!!

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No, homeschooling in CA is not difficult! Here is a link to the legal stuff you'll need to do, if you aren't using an umbrella school or independent study program. There's no required testing or anything like that, as far as I know. I've researched it but haven't actually had to file anything yet since my girls are still in preschool.


I hope that whatever happens turns out to be a blessing for your family and that you are still able to enjoy the holidays. :grouphug: and prayers as you go through this.

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Can they not move him to another office? My husband works for AIG in MS and there is a lot of turnover. There are openings every month. Someone in his branch just quit last week. There are openings for every position here pretty regularly. What about a job at a bank. Financial sales experience would be a good foot in the door there as well. Good luck.



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I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's job. I know this is a tough, scary time but the positive way you are handling it is wonderful.


I will say this: your pieces are beautiful! I looked at your blog and I can definitely see buying several of these as Christmas presents. I forgot to look at the dates you had posted the pictures. Are they all still available or remake-able? If I wanted to ask you a few more questions should I comment through your blog?


Thank you! You have a wonderful talent. :)

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I will keep your family in my prayers. . .please keep the faith! Keep your positive attitude-it will do wonders not just for you but the whole family! I think we are all being stretched and pushed outside of our comfort zones these days, we're being strengthened. . .which is a good thing. . .just doesn't always seem so at the time. . .I'm gonna check out your blog.




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I think we are going through similar times.


We were told that we need to relocate or be unemployed at the end of September. We are relocating to California. The stuff moves November 8. The house goes up for sale November 12.


We are massively incredibly stressed. But it will get better. Christmas is going to be hard this year. Away from all the things we know. Away from grandparents. And tight on money. But we will have a job. And hope.


I hope it works for you!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's job. I know this is a tough, scary time but the positive way you are handling it is wonderful.


I will say this: your pieces are beautiful! I looked at your blog and I can definitely see buying several of these as Christmas presents. I forgot to look at the dates you had posted the pictures. Are they all still available or remake-able? If I wanted to ask you a few more questions should I comment through your blog?


Thank you! You have a wonderful talent. :)

The pieces were just posted yesterday.

I can remake some of them, but some of the beads might not be available again.

Thank you for the encouragement!

It's hard to put your stuff out there and hope that someone likes it~

You can reply through the blog or you should be able to email me through it, too.

I'll be checking it regularly.

Thanks again!

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I will keep your family in my prayers. . .please keep the faith! Keep your positive attitude-it will do wonders not just for you but the whole family! I think we are all being stretched and pushed outside of our comfort zones these days, we're being strengthened. . .which is a good thing. . .just doesn't always seem so at the time. . .I'm gonna check out your blog.






Be careful when you pray for more faith. :)

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I think we are going through similar times.


We were told that we need to relocate or be unemployed at the end of September. We are relocating to California. The stuff moves November 8. The house goes up for sale November 12.


We are massively incredibly stressed. But it will get better. Christmas is going to be hard this year. Away from all the things we know. Away from grandparents. And tight on money. But we will have a job. And hope.


I hope it works for you!

I'll pray that your house sells at just the right time.

Hang in there.

And as for the holidays, they will be more special this year bc there isn't any junk in the way of soaking up the love and message.

Take care~

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Have you considered an Esty store?


:grouphug: It's never easy, but going thru it at this time of year makes it harder.


One thing to keep in mind if you do ponder a CA move - expect from where you are now the cost of living to be double. Get real info on utilities, taxes and such. Car registration include personal property taxes in it so it's high if you have a newer car.


From everything i have read the one area that seems overall untouched in some job market ways is the Dallas area. Or at least it was - and is doing better than a lot of areas.


Hang in there, :grouphug:

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