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Fake nails anyone???

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I'm getting fake nails tomorrow! I HATE my ugly hands! My sister says it's because my fingers are short, but my fingers aren't really short, my nails are PAPER thin and can't grow long at all before breaking/bending off!


I had fake nails in the past but after they popped off a few times I let them go. The woman I'm going to go to said that if a nail pops off she'll put a new on for free. So I'll FINALLY have nice nails to compliment the jewelry I recently inherited. I won't have to hide my fingertips anymore!


I'm going to get sport length. Can I really wash dishes, clean and run a farm with NAILS? we'll see!


Please share your experiences!




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Yep, you can function. I get mine done only to the tip of my fingers (does not go over the edge of my fingers at all) and I can do everything with them. I love them...I have the same type of nails as you do. Tips really shouldn't pop off if they're done right. The only problem I have is that I have a tendency to pick at mine, and then they last less than two weeks...


Once you're comfortable with the nails, you can learn to do your fills yourself, too...saving some money (if you want to, of course!).


Have fun!

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I have never had fake nails, but my sister does.


when I went to hospital to have my last baby, my sister came and minded the kids. I had frozen meals etc all ready. my sister heated up the bolognese sauce for the the kids and got them all ready for bed etc. my husband came home that night, and took over form my sister, he started eating the spaghetti bolognese , and FOUND MY SISTERS FINGERNAILS!!!. she didn't realise she had lost them.

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I couldn't do it. I'm probably one of the few women who really detests long nails. I like mine short - that way they don't get in my way. I don't paint my nails, either. Good luck...it will be interesting to hear how you like them!



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My hands are really ugly. My fingers are twisted and I peel my nails down to nubs. I got fakies once, and they looked great, but intefered with riding!


Last year I managed to quit peeling my nails off and grew some pretty ones of my own. They drove me nuts. I backslid and started peeling again.

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I had them for a few years and when I got them off my real nails were very thin and super sensitive. Even my shirt brushing against my nails made my skin crawl. It only lasted a few weeks, but it was enough to make me never want them again LOL. But, since having the fake ones, I can now grow my own nice and long.

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