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Does this happen to you, or am I just weird?


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My entire life, basically since elementary school, I get these debilitating stomach aches. Like 6/10 on the pain scale, often to the point where I can't even stand up straight because my stomach hurts so bad. They were more frequent as a child - maybe every 3-4 weeks or so, and as an adult only once or twice a year. I don't feel nauseous or like I need to rush to the restroom, and my diet doesn't change enough to identify any food allergies or triggers. My stomach just feels like a hole is being bored through. The only way to make them go away is to lie flat on my stomach on a hard surface like the floor for 20-30 minutes. Once I do that, I feel totally fine.


I had one tonight for the first time in a while, and I realized I have never heard of anyone else experiencing this.


So weird, right?!

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Thank you both for replying - this is such a revelation to me! I got my first migraine with aura when I was in 8th grade, and got them about every 6 weeks or so through college. Since having children, they have thankfully reduced to 4-ish per year. After some googling, abdominal migraine definitely seems to fit. This is something I will definitely raise with my doctor at my next annual check-up. Thanks!

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When you get your checkup, get some basic bloodwork that includes bilirubin.  (Just found out yesterday that my kiddo, who we thought was having some sort of abdominal migraines, actually has high bilirubin, which apparently can cause the symptoms she has been experiencing.)

Edited by wapiti
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