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21 day fix, beach body, etc


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Can someone give me the run down on how these work?


My SIL is a rep but I want to be a bit in the know before I ask her about it.


You access the workouts online?


What do yu need to have- yoga mat, weights, bands?


I need to re start exercising, not just the walking that I've recently gotten back to.

21 day fix is a meal plan?


I was planning do WW again on my own (I used to work there), but maybe will try something else.




**Eta- ok, just searched old threads for info.


I probably can't keep the 2 year old from hanging off me long enough to do exercise videos yet. Maybe next year.


Hmm, maybe in the basement after he's in bed.

Edited by Hilltopmom
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I'm not a coach but I love it and use it.


I started out with the 21 Day Fix DVDs. It's very do-able for a wide range of fitness levels. When Beachbody on Demand came out, I purchased a year-long subscription for $99. You can access all Beachbody workouts anytime you want. It's fantastic. I can use it on my Smart TV, phone, computer. There's really something for everyone with everything from gentle yoga to hard-core weightlifting and everything in between - dance workouts, MMA-inspired programs, etc. 


I like being able to try different programs without committing to purchasing the DVDs. 


I love the variety. 


I'm a happy customer, but I don't use Shakeology, their nutritional shake. They do push it and I suspect that's where they make a lot of their money but the price is just way too much for me to even consider. I have a coach who runs accountability groups on Facebook and that's been helpful to me. She's not someone I know in real life, but we have mutual friends.



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I am not a coach, and I generally hate these kinds of set ups, but I actually really like the workouts. I have the on-demand as well, and I'm currently doing the 21 day yoga retreat. The instruction is really good and I can do it without too much strain even though I'm postpartum. I do have trouble finding 30 minutes to do exercise at once, so Often I will do part of it and then if the baby wakes up or the kids need me posit and go back later to finish up. That seems to be working well. I tried shake ologies he in one of the vegan flavors and didn't like it at all, and it is overpriced. But the workouts are great.

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Not a coach and haven't purchased through a coach. I did sign up for the Beachbody on Demand (streaming) free trial and liked it enough that I went ahead and signed up for the year. Lots and lots of variety -- pretty much every BB program ever, even the old-school ones (except Les Mills Pump and Body Gospel, but oh well).


Every style, from yoga to weights to HIIT. IMO, there isn't a lot of content for absolute beginners, but if you're comfy modifying moves, then go for it. I've been using the new P90, as well as 21 Day Fix. I'm talking a bit of a break (burned out a bit) but I like having it available. (FWIW, I've always used exercise videos, since my girls were babies. Beachbody is just one more tool in the toolbox for me.)

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I use the streaming service for Beachbody. I like the variety. They just added a new program aimed at beginners which is great because I always have to modify the other workouts. I've been doing 21 day fix with adventures into Piyo and now their new program. They also recently added some kids workouts but we haven't checked those out.


Also I am not a coach.

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The 21 Day Fix workouts also come on a dvd (or they did; maybe it's different now with the streaming?) They really are pretty doable, because they are short; 30 minutes. I've got the "Extreme" version, which uses weights and a band thing.


There's a diet plan that goes along with 21 day fix. It's not too hard to follow.


I use the Shakeology for now, and like it, though you could certainly do the program without it.


Like anything, it works better the closer you stick to the program. The little cheats slow us down! :-)

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I just did the new You v2 workout and it is definitely beginner friendly. Totally non impact as well. I did it while wearing the baby in a carrier, lol! And my 7 year old did it with me,although I had to pause it twice to demo the steps for her more slowly. Instructor is cheesy but motivational. When he told me I look beautiful when dancing I believed him, even though he can't see me, lol!

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