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I was charged $1002.35 for onions last night

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On top of the fact that all the lanes except the self-check were closed. And the lady running the self-check, when I walked up in my apron, called loudly to another worker, "WHEN DID APRONS COME BACK IN STYLE?"


Then the self-check lane tried to close itself automatically. The other 3 stayed open, but mine, in which I'd self-checked a BASKETFULL of groceries except for the last 5 things, just. stopped.


"What does that *mean*?" dh asked in horror when I came home. It means she got her little magic clicker thing & came to check the rest of my stuff out fast. :glare:


I'd saved the produce for the end so it wouldn't get squished. She came by, looked in my buggy, & asked me if I was saving the produce for her to check for me. :001_huh:


Finally, she rang up my onions because my lane was closing itself. $1002.35. Just for the onions. :lol:

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What an awful night for you!!


I really really despise self check out and I refuse to use it on principle - until they give me an "employee discount" for doing their employee's work, I won't do it. I don't care how long the line is, I don't want to pay the same amount AND have to do the work! And, like you, it very rarely works for me.


Hope this week is better for you!

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What an awful night for you!!


I really really despise self check out and I refuse to use it on principle - until they give me an "employee discount" for doing their employee's work, I won't do it. I don't care how long the line is, I don't want to pay the same amount AND have to do the work! And, like you, it very rarely works for me.


Hope this week is better for you!


Otoh, if I only have one or two things, I'd rather use self-check. Until they give me a discount for dealing w/ (some) checkers, I'd rather do it myself, lol!

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And the lady running the self-check, when I walked up in my apron, called loudly to another worker, "WHEN DID APRONS COME BACK IN STYLE?"

This was long ago, we were living in Chicago, and I was in a checkout line. The lady bagging my groceries picked up a bag of bread I had just bought and said to the employee next to her, "I bought this bread once, it tastes like cr@p." In a totally normal voice, lol. I don't know if she didn't think I knew English, or maybe sometimes you get so into the routine of your job you forget that the people you're helping are actually real people, lol..


Sorry you had such a trying evening..

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What an awful night for you!!


I really really despise self check out and I refuse to use it on principle - until they give me an "employee discount" for doing their employee's work, I won't do it. I don't care how long the line is, I don't want to pay the same amount AND have to do the work! And, like you, it very rarely works for me.


Hope this week is better for you!


My brothers says the "discount" is not having to make polite conversation with the checkout people!:lol: Sometimes I think the "discount" is not watching the checkout girl and the bag boy flirt with each other and smush my bread!

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What an awful night for you!!


I really really despise self check out and I refuse to use it on principle - until they give me an "employee discount" for doing their employee's work, I won't do it. I don't care how long the line is, I don't want to pay the same amount AND have to do the work! And, like you, it very rarely works for me.


Hope this week is better for you!


I refuse to use them, too!

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