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Spelling programs?

Cheryl in NM

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I'm having a hard time finding a program that lists the rules of spelling. Is there such a thing? We're currently using Building spelling skills and they don't lay out the rules in black and white. We've used Spelling Workout many years ago and I don't remember seeing any rules. Is it just easier to learn American spelling by memorizing the words? I was thinking that if there were rules to memorize then we could stop with the lists. Ds memorizes the lists very easily and they aren't challenging for him. Any ideas? He's 12, in 6th grade, but reading at a much higher level. He's an avid reader.


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Spell to Write and Read is an excellent program. The complete set is $98 (?) on Amazon and includes the rule cards. My dd, who dislikes reading practice, writing and spelling, picked up on the rules very quickly. The words progress up to a high level so the $98 goes a long way.


HTH! :)

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For a 12yo with a high reading level, I'd skip the rules and any early spelling programs and go straight to Megawords for your spelling -- inexpensive, easy to use, done mostly independently by the student. Megawords teaches spelling through vowel patterns and syllabication rules, which helps students break down large words and spell them by "parts". Megawords is designed for grades 4-5 and UP, and the words used rapidly advance to middle school/high school level words. Megawords also works well as a vocabulary supplement for middle school due to the wide range of words and upper level words used in the program.


See sample pages at http://www.christianbook.com


Start with Book 1, and do get the first 2 books, as even at the rate of just 1 page a day, 3-4 days a week you will definitely finish Book 1 well before the end of the school year. Also go ahead and get the teacher book; it has the answers to the exercises, explains how to use the program, gives a few teaching tips -- but why you'll mostly want it is that for the occasional exercise which asks the teacher to dictate a list of syllables to the student -- and it's a lot easier to read it out of the teacher book than to have to take 20 minutes and figure out which words the syllables will create! : )


BEST of luck, whatever you go with! Warmly, Lori D.

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I second Lori's recommendation of Megawords. I used Spell to Write and Read for years and think it's a fabulous program, but I've recently switched my kiddos over to Megawords because I wanted something a little less teacher-intensive now that they're older. I'm very pleased with it so far. It's definitely rules-based, with the rules clearly stated, explained, and then applied. I go over new rules with them, and then they can pretty much work independently for a few days. I like that it incorporates vocabulary exercises, too. Great program :).


Good luck in your search!



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Honestly, for your son, I would recommend Spelling Power.




Why? Because when you do the placement test for him, he will simply test OUT of every level he has already mastered, and will then be placed at the proper level for his ability. He will be challenged with spelling (maybe for the first time in a long time?), and will finally be able to grow in this area. Also, he sounds like he'd be motivated by the structure of the program -- once you learn it, you don't have to keep on repeating it.


It's more than just a list, it's a method (simple, I think) for learning how to form a correct visual image of new words, in order to spell them correctly. The words are grouped (loosely) by spelling rules.


With Spelling Power, you don't have any dumbing down or cutesie little cartoons -- it's nicely "barebones" in that way. I used it with my nephew (10/11yo), because he's so easily distracted by visual clutter. He liked it because it's "clean looking." I think the format appeals to boys. Just my 2 cents. It's also easy to do (for the teacher/tutor), once you get the lay of the land. There's a Quick Start video that explains how to work the steps.


One further point -- check out their return policy. Unless it's changed since I bought the program, you have up to a full year to return the materials if you are in any way not satisfied. I think that's amazing, and their customer service has been excellent.


In the back of the manual there is a section on dictionary/reference skills that is worth the price of the books. I'm sold on it. Plus, you don't need anything else throughout high school. The program should take him all the way up to college level spelling.


If you want to have a ready reference of all the spelling/phonics rules, check this out:



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My spelling lessons have many of the rules, and the link on this page has as extensive of a list as I've found online. There are good lists in many older dictionaries at the beginning.


Link to rules at bottom of the page, also Webster's speller (free online) has many rules and is linked above, Pollard's spellers (free online) are arranged by phonetic pattern and also have many of the rules.




And, I cover many of the rules in my free online spelling lessons:




I haven't seen megawords, but the concept sounds good and I know people who have liked them.


Also, M.K. Henry's "Words" shows spelling and pronunciation patterns for the Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Latin words in English. It's a very good resource. It's usually cheaper from Pro-Ed than at Amazon.

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