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Algebra Review Recommendations?

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My DS took Algebra 1 this year through a tutorial.  The teacher came highly recommended, and for the first semester the class went well.  The teacher had several personal issues come up during the second semester (which I totally understand).  The students haven't received back any of their corrected homework for the second semester, and the teacher hasn't been able to be at class the last three weeks. 


 DS is working on the take home final now, and it is becoming evident that he isn't where he needs to be at the end of this course.  A lot of that is on him - he is not one to dive in and tackle math with all he's got, and I think part is that the tutorial class limped to the finish.  It looks like we will be doing Algebra review this summer.  We rented the textbooks for the course, so I need to get something for him to work through.  I may have him use Khan Academy, but I wondered if there was anything else y'all might recommend?  I reeally want him to go into Geometry next year with some more math confidence.  



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A developmental CC text such as Lial, Martin-Gay, Aufmann, Larson, Tobey-Slater.


They're cheap if you get an old edition. They're solid. They're topically oriented. They're easy to use in a diagnostic-prescriptive manner to look for holes. 

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my son took an online Solidifying Algebra class one semester in the last year.  Lora Marks was the teacher.  With Landry closing I'm not sure where she is teaching, but I have seen ads about her teaching somewhere.  I hope google will be helpful if you search for this.  It was a great review class and if anything helped my DS(and myself) realize how well he DID know algebra.  It helped his confidence for sure.  Hope you can search and find it, great review class. 

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Videotext would be perfect, depending on your plans for his next class . . . if you are open to using VT for Algebra 2 as well, I'd just do the whole thing for a thorough review of Algebra 1 and coverage of Algebra 2. If he started soon-ish, he'd have no trouble finishing by the end of next school year and that would be two math credits down.

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my son took an online Solidifying Algebra class one semester in the last year. Lora Marks was the teacher. With Landry closing I'm not sure where she is teaching, but I have seen ads about her teaching somewhere. I hope google will be helpful if you search for this. It was a great review class and if anything helped my DS(and myself) realize how well he DID know algebra. It helped his confidence for sure. Hope you can search and find it, great review class.

Found it!


Sounds like a great class. I wish she were offering It over the summer.

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Lora Marks is offering her Solidifying classes over the summer!  My daughter took her Solidifying Math Class this spring, and she recently sent this information about the summer classes.  I can't paste in the links to the registration information for some reason, but if you want to send me a PM with an email address, I can forward the email she sent with the registration information.:


My Solidifying Math class costs $150 and will meet every weekday at 9 am ETfrom Monday, May 15 - Friday, June 2, 2017.
My Solidifying Algebra class costs $150 and will meet every weekday at 11 am ET from Monday, May 15 - Friday, June 2, 2017.  


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Lora Marks is offering her Solidifying classes over the summer! My daughter took her Solidifying Math Class this spring, and she recently sent this information about the summer classes. I can't paste in the links to the registration information for some reason, but if you want to send me a PM with an email address, I can forward the email she sent with the registration information.


Thank you for forwarding. I just signed DD up! It is a miracle that it fits in after nearly all of our spring 'stuff' is wrapped up, but before we leave on a long trip, followed by summer camp, then a 5-week ballet SI for DD. It is the perfect way to finish her year!
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A developmental CC text such as Lial, Martin-Gay, Aufmann, Larson, Tobey-Slater.


They're cheap if you get an old edition. They're solid. They're topically oriented. They're easy to use in a diagnostic-prescriptive manner to look for holes.

I agree and also recommend Lial's.

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