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Bail on MM?


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My daughter is using MM4 this year.  It has been a bear to say the least.  We have just two chapters left which we plan to work through during the summer.  My problem is that out of the last 3 tests she has passed 0!!!  So, after each test, I gently explain that the test is just a tool for me to gauge where she is and what we need to review. Then we review those things and move on.  I am not convinced this process is working plus she has become convinced that she is bad at math.  So.....do I bail and try something else?  We are already working a year behind because of the constant review, and I am still not sure that the concepts are sticking.  She is very weak in problem solving but competent in computation/math facts and procedural work.  Maybe we just need a break from MM for awhile.  If we do this what should we do? Do we finish out the last two chapters (fractions & decimals)? 

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I have a 5th grader currently finishing up MM4 (we just started the fractions chapter). I started a thread a little while back, bemoaning math and our struggles, and ultimately decided to stay the course. I believe the overwhelming opinion was that "you are in a hard part of the book, and it gets better."

Would your DD benefit from daily review? I pulled all the mixed review and chapter review pages, and she does a few problems as a warmup before a new lesson. This also is a way to include word problem practice in a lesson that is computation heavy. We've also been skipping around a bit (as was suggested to me). So...part of a geometry lesson + part of a division lesson. Or whatever combo. More review, less feeling bogged down by so much of one thing.

Go ahead and try the fractions chapter. It starts out pretty easy and fun enough. :)

Edited by alisoncooks
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We're struggling with MM4 as well.   Currently with the multiplication chapter at the end of 4A.  Part of it seems to be the number of problems on a page are overwhelming, part of it seems to be not enough practice if I cross off problems to make it less overwhelming.


We've always done Evan Moor Skill Sharpeners Math as a spiral review but that only helps once she actually has learned something well.


In this case, I ended up picking up a workbook that matches what our public school is using (enVision Scott Foresman) since I have access to the textbook and videos on-line.  We stepped back to the very beginning of multi-digit multipication, I had dd read through the textbook, watch the videos and do the assignments in the workbook.  The step back, the different presentation seems to have helped her a lot.    


Next week we will be returning to MM and starting 4B with division.  I will be crossing off problems and writing problems on a whiteboard to help with the overwhelming pages.  I will hold enVision in reserve in case she struggles again and needs a different presentation.  I would just switch to this but it doesn't seem to have enough practice of each algorithm on it's own.


I'm also going to give her a page with just a couple of multi-digit multiplications each day to keep practicing and make sure she doesn't forget.


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We had to ditch MM for a couple of my kids because they just weren't getting it. I love MM but it was time to say goodbye. We switched to CLE for several grades and it was wonderful. The kids were getting it and gained confidence in themselves again. With the confidence back and basic skills solidified, I'm back to MM for 7th (pre-Algebra) and they are doing fine. I went back to MM because I still preferred it and think CLE is weak in word problems, but CLE for a few years gave them what they needed to become strong enough for MM.


I think overall MM is more challenging and provides a better foundation than CLE, but for some kids it doesn't matter what's "better." What works is best. Having been in your shoes, I'd ditch it for at least a while. Losing confidence is the worst thing that can happen!

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I'm in the same boat as the above poster.  I really think Math Mammoth is a great program, but it just didn't fit for my two oldest.  They've gone on to CLE and it's been great for them.  My second grader is still in Math Mammoth, and it's still working well.  He doesn't need the review and drill like the other two.  CLE has that all built in so I don't have to orchestrate it myself.  It is weak in word problems . . . I should do something about that, but sometimes there are just bigger fish to fry!

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It seems like a lot of people bail in MM4. We did.


We tried a number other programs and ended up on MEP for the rest of elementary math.


I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to this, honestly. You can bail... or not. Bailing might reinvigorate your math and the attitude and give a new perspective. Other programs are just as good as MM but different. It might address a child's needs better. Sticking with it would mean not worrying about adjusting to a new program, knowing for sure you didn't end up with gaps. And presumably, it's worked this far, and knowing that you made it over the hump of a difficult math year might mean sticking with it will be good.

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We found mathantics.com videos to go along with what topics we were working on in MM4. For instance, the long division one really helped my son understand what was going on, and then he was able to move forward. But then, he is the kind who needs to know the why to understand the process and do, and not every child is like that. But you could give it a test.

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Thanks for the replies and advice. I think we will forge onward adding some review as we go. After all, it is only two more chapters. Then based on how that goes, we will decide whether to switch next year or not. I am thinking either MUS or CLE. I am a little concerned about the placement, but I assume the tests will help us work that out.

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I considered dumping MM after 4th grade for my oldest. We stuck with it and she's did a little better 5th grade and now in 6th I really feel like she got it. I am really glad we stuck it out. Seeing her get math after years of struggling was so worth it. This year we added life of fred for a gentle review. She likes the stories and I like her getting extra practice on decimals, fractions and percents.

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