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Guitar Hero...

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Please forgive me if this has already been discussed here, but our about-to-be-eleven year old son is asking for Guitar Hero for his birthday, and my husband is, albeit hesitantly, ready to give in a buy one for him soon.


We limit all "screen time" in our home, from Wii and computer to TV. He gets a tiny bit each day from one of these, not all three, and only if he's earned it, so I know it won't become an issue of him playing it too much.


The Wii version is rated T (which concerns me) but I did find a Nintendo DS version which is rated E10+. Our son worked hard selling popcorn for his cub scout pack this year and earned a Nintendo DS for doing so, and even though he hasn't received it yet, I'm leaning in this direction.


Anyone out there who wants to give me a been-there-done-that review? Anyone purchase it who wished they hadn't; or on the flip side, has purchased it and isn't sorry they did?


What do you think? Thanks!!

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Honestly, it depends on what might offend you. Personally, I have no problem whatsoever with GH. Others on the board will tell you that they find it to be a problem.


I can tell you that when you are playing, you concentrate on the notes, not on whatever might be in the background.


If you can possibly find someone who has this, and watch it, that would be the only way to tell if it will pass muster for your family.


Good luck.



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Thanks, Ria.


My nephew (15 years old) has it as does a neighbor friend (13 years old), so he's played it before. I'm just unsure if I want it in our home, especially since we have a five year old. Our oldest would only play it when his brother is not around, but that brings up a whole new set of "regulations" I have to enforce... :glare:


But my biggest problem is the rating of T and all that includes.


Thanks again!

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Well, if you find some of the songs offensive, tell him they are off limits. Ours got one for their birthday last summer and went nuts with it for a while. My dd14 can play a lot of them with her back turned to the screen.


It was all the rage for them for a while, now it's Halo. When they get their Wii for Christmas, it'll be Wii.

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I have Guitar Hero and like to play it. It was purchased for me. I have Guitar Hero 3 and Guitar Hero Aerosmith. Honestly, some of the song contents are "iffy" to me. And I especailly dislike a song near the end of Guitar Hero 3 titled "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden. Google that song and you can find the lyrics. We're a Christian family and I'm not comfortable with music like that on a video game. I know that some kids like to purchase the sound tracks to the Guitar Hero games.....that would be a definite no-no for our family.

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That's true, some of the songs are a little...unholy. Number of the Beast and Raining Blood by Slayer come to mind. We bought this for ds15's birthday and it's really been fun for the whole family. Dh loves that the kids are rocking out to the songs we rocked out to, and that he can again and it's OK. ;) And that's another point. This is the music we listened to, and not in a family setting, and we've turned out OK.


While I am slightly troubled by the song content, the visuals are what I think give a greater impression on the little ones - scruffy, tatooed rockers and big breasted women with their g-strings peeking out the back. And while the kid playing may be focused on the notes, the other kids watching may or may not be.


If you have the option, I would recommend the E10+ version. I didn't know there was one.

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We have Guitar Hero games. I also have problems with some of the songs. Guitar Hero I and II were pretty safe. Guitar Hero III, I hate. Besides the songs, there are flying pentagrams and you get to battle the devil at the end.


Have you looked at Rock Band? We have that also and like most of the songs on there. It's also more fun for the entire family!


Google Guitar Hero and Rock Band song lists before you buy.

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My 9yo received Guitar Hero last year for Christmas and he played it a lot... he really enjoyed it....for about 6 months. Then his interest sort of fizzled out.


But we gave him Rock Band for Wii for his birthday last month and he loves it more than Guitar Hero! He loves to play the drums! The variety of instruments, and the fact that he can sing along, is much more appealing (and the music selection has more variety than Guitar Hero, i.e., more than just heavy metal rock selections)

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Call me paranoid but I question the safety.

My little brother and his girlfriend were playing and when they looked away their eyes did tricky things. My mom called the firestation to discuss it. Cops came because they thought LSD or shrooms were involved.


One cop got to the bottom of it. His kids play guitar hero. He said it happens.


SO....having to see for myself, the next time I was at my mom's house - I watched the screen as my brother played. Sure enough - after watching for several minutes, I looked at the bed and saw it breathing. It was like an acid trip.


I think that it can't be healthy for the brain or the eyes....but like I said, call me paranoid. I would say to be EXTREMELY careful if your kid is prone to seizures.


AND - the instuctions say to play for only 15 minutes at a time and then take a break.

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My dd played it all week-end at her cousin's house once. The game itself is fine, but I don't like dd getting those songs stuck in her head, such as "Welcome to the Jungle." That bugged me and I don't find those lyrics edifying. Plus, the characters I briefly saw on the screen were dressed very seductively.


Just last night, we saw a similar game at the Christian Bookstore. It used popular Christian music, and I'm going to check into it. I can't remember the title, however....Does anyone know the game I'm thinking of?


EDIT: The game is called "Guitar Praise."

Edited by Tami
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Guitar Hero for his birthday, and my husband is, albeit hesitantly, ready to give in a buy one for him soon.




This concerns me in this day and age. Seems to be the norm, to "give in". I say find out the reasons and make a good solid judgement and don't do it just to give in.

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