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If your child outgrew their peanut allergy...


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did they go on to eat peanuts/peanut products?  Did they have an aversion to them?


My DS was diagnosed before he was a year old with a peanut allergy.  He had at least one known anaphylactic reaction to peanuts, and one other anaphylactic reaction was suspected to be from peanut cross contamination.  We did a total avoidance of peanuts because of the severity of his reactions.  Last year his allergist suggested doing a peanut challenge which he passed.  He threw up part of his last "tasting', but they thought that was due to his aversion to the cold mashed potatoes they mixed the peanut powder with.  He has a texture aversion to potatoes.


He still hates peanuts and refuses to eat them.  Lately he has been telling me that the smell of peanuts makes him feel sick to his stomach.  I am wondering if this is normal or if it is something to be concerned about.  He no longer sees an allergist due to a change in insurance, so I can't ask them.  I could ask his primary care doctor but she doesn't seem very up to date on allergies.


DS has also outgrown his allergies to eggs, dairy, and soy.  He does fine with dairy, though he doesn't drink milk very often.  He doesn't eat eggs (scrambled, fried, etc.), but they don't bother him to be around at all.  I figure it is because he wasn't able to eat them until he was older so he never developed a taste for them.

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My son had more than one anaphylatic reaction to peanut. 


Miraculously, he is no longer allergic, but he has the same aversion that your son does.  He says he hates the smell, can't stand the taste and is kind of irritated that he doesn't even like Reese's pb cups, after wanting to try one for so long.


He has accidentally eaten peanut butter as recently as Easter Sunday.  He didn't have a reaction other than to keep complaining about how awful it tasted.


Of course, my kid isn't your kid, so your situation may be different.  But, my son no longer has an allergy but loathes the smell and taste of peanut in all forms.


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My son passed an oral challenge last year but had an itchy throat later that day. We were told to give a tsp a day to keep him desensitized. They felt the delayed reaction was nothing serious. However due to camping remotely we opted not to do this. He will redo the challenge this summer. I know if he passes we have to give the tsp daily. He outgrew sunflowers, coconut, and almonds as well and has to eat those twice a week....cant go long between exposure. Info is always changing so if you could get access to allergist it would be important.


My son cleared fish as well but he can't eat it...says he feels sick. Dr said aversion is gut instinct. So he doesn't eat fish and we keep it on the allergen list.

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My dd was allergic to peanuts, hazelnuts, chick peas, soy, dog epithilial cells, and dust mites. Peanuts caused her airways to constrict and she had difficulty breathing. A doctor said it was the beginnings of asthma and gave us a nebulizer for her. The second time this happened, my dh noticed the pattern and realized it was the peanuts.


I was heartbroken because she used to love peanuts before. And I was puzzled, too, because peanuts have been a big part of our family's diet for generations. No one else I know is allergic to peanuts.


She outgrew the peanut allergy by age 6. Now she loves peanuts again.

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Nearly 18 years ago, my son had a skin reaction to peanuts when he was about a year old.  We never went through testing, though we mentioned it to the pediatrician, we just didn't give him peanut products.  At some point (maybe around 3) he had peanut butter and was fine.  Thinking back, it's scary, but I didn't have much information on peanut allergies at the time.  He went on to become a pb&j fanatic.

He also reacted to blueberries. For the life of me, I couldn't tell you if he eats blueberries today.  Bad Mommy.


He also had eczema.  If he had been born more recently, I'm sure we and his ped would have been following current protocol.

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