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Research Study -- Repubs are happier than Dems

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The typical Republican is happy coming home to a 62-inch television, pulling out a fine bottle of cognac or Scotch, putting his feet on the table and enjoying the fruits of his labor, but not caring what’s going on in the world outside their living room ... and their gated community.’’


Huh...and here I always thought I was typical.

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Thanks for posting this. I'm teaching an AP Statistics course and this coming week our topic is Sampling and polls. This article will be nice to use for one of our discussions.


ps----I'm looking for other articles too, so if you have some that are similar in content please pm them to me. thanks

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Just read this article in this morning's local paper. Thought others would be interested given our recent plunge into political discussions.




Have a HAPPY day -- uh, even you Dems out there, and I mean that sincerely! :D


This was an interesting conclusion, and having once been in a position of being absolutely certain, I tend to agree with it: "Extremists are happier than moderates, Brooks has concluded. Hard-core liberals are the happiest liberals and hard-core conservatives are the happiest people on Earth. Self-certainty is like a happy pill."

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John Hibbing is a political scientist at the University of Nebraska here in Lincoln. I took a class or two from him "back in the day," so to speak. He's an interesting guy with an interesting proposition. Here's the article:




It is interesting. I read yesterday about the characteristics of very young children that predict what political positions (generically speaking) they will take as adults. It was true for me, but it was a long road coming here. I surely would not have agreed with the hypothesis 15 years ago.

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