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AP Statistics at PA Homeschoolers

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I'd like some feedback please about the setup, difficulty, and work load. Also, was it one of the PAH classes your children enjoyed most or least? This year he took only 1 AP (Computer Science with Edhesive).

Would AP Statistics be too much to add to the following workload?

DO Precalculus

AP Chemistry (PAH)

Bravewriter Online Classes

Center for Lit

US government (undecided but something open & go)

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Just thought I'd weigh in... as we have some similar classes next year. And also took AP CS-A (edhesive) this year. We're planning on PAH AP Stats for 12th grade probably. So love to hear others' reviews. 


Next year: we're also taking Pre-Calc (though WHA)

AP Chem (PAH)

Center for Lit (which one are you choosing?)


then Write@Home (writing)

AP Macro (PAH)

AP Micro (self-study)

US History (probably WTMA) though maybe... AP USH?


We did Thinkwell AP Govt this year. Really like it. Very open and go. And really cheap. Great also if you like video lectures. We'll see how the AP exam pans out...



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As you probably figured out, not all APs are created equal.  AP CSA is a great one to start with since it's relatively easy compared with other APs.  AP chemistry is a big step up in terms of the quantity of material to be learned.  If your son is strong in math, then AP stats shouldn't be too difficult.  But mostly you want to make sure he can stay organized and keep up with the workload in AP chemistry at PAH.  Don't fall behind, and make sure to ask lots of questions on the discussion board about even the most trivial items.  

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The AP Chem will be heavy, but I think it could be doable to add the AP Stats (depending on your student's time management, of course.) My daughter did PAH AP Stats last year, and it didn't seem to be one of her more intense courses.


I second the rec for Thinkwell's US Govt course.

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AP Stats at PAH is a reasonable amount of work. It's very flexible as long you keep up. Basically there is a yest every two weeks. The work over the two weeks prior is scheduled daily with daily teaching, but nothing has to be turned in until test day when you also turn in your homework. It's very flexible, but if you procrastinate in doing the daily work, you'll be in trouble.


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Thanks for the input. Ok so now I'm more worried about Chemistry. To help ease him into it, he started going through Chang's Chemistry textbook with a private teacher here. Thanks for the Thinkwell recommendations. Will definitely check it out.



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Just thought I'd weigh in... as we have some similar classes next year. And also took AP CS-A (edhesive) this year. We're planning on PAH AP Stats for 12th grade probably. So love to hear others' reviews.


Next year: we're also taking Pre-Calc (though WHA)

AP Chem (PAH)

Center for Lit (which one are you choosing?)


then Write@Home (writing)

AP Macro (PAH)

AP Micro (self-study)

US History (probably WTMA) though maybe... AP USH?


We did Thinkwell AP Govt this year. Really like it. Very open and go. And really cheap. Great also if you like video lectures. We'll see how the AP exam pans out...

We'll be doing American literature in Center for Lit.

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The AP Chem will be heavy, but I think it could be doable to add the AP Stats (depending on your student's time management, of course.) My daughter did PAH AP Stats last year, and it didn't seem to be one of her more intense courses.


 Our experience was the complete opposite of this.


My DS found AP Stats to be way more work than AP Chem.  He seldom spent more than 5-6 hours on AP Chem but AP stats was often double that. But he loved AP Chem so much that he is now majoring in Chemical Engineering so it was quite easy for him.


My DS is a mathy kid.  He doesn't do well with writing at all.  We both assumed that Stats was mostly math, WRONG, DS felt it was much more English like (in that things had to be written and expressed a certain specific way, much like grammar rules but for math) and not very much math (number crunching) at all.  


So it will really depend on your kid and their strengths/weaknesses and interests on whether or not they can handle both.

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What if I delayed AP Statistics to 12th grade. The plan for 12th is:

DO AP Calculus

PAH AP English Literature

DO Physics

Any open & go US History

Possibly dual enrollment Macroeconomics or Speech

Would that be less or more doable than in 11th?



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Our experience was the complete opposite of this.


My DS found AP Stats to be way more work than AP Chem. He seldom spent more than 5-6 hours on AP Chem but AP stats was often double that. But he loved AP Chem so much that he is now majoring in Chemical Engineering so it was quite easy for him.


My DS is a mathy kid. He doesn't do well with writing at all. We both assumed that Stats was mostly math, WRONG, DS felt it was much more English like (in that things had to be written and expressed a certain specific way, much like grammar rules but for math) and not very much math (number crunching) at all.


So it will really depend on your kid and their strengths/weaknesses and interests on whether or not they can handle both.

Interesting. I have followed reviews for both classes in trying to determine which ones my dd will take and I had read that the stats class was good, but could take 2 or more hours a day for students who weren't really mathy. And then I always wonder if my dd is really mathy or not, lol.

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What if I delayed AP Statistics to 12th grade. The plan for 12th is:

DO AP Calculus

PAH AP English Literature

DO Physics

Any open & go US History

Possibly dual enrollment Macroeconomics or Speech

Would that be less or more doable than in 11th?


Every student will be different in their strengths and weakesses, but how manageable your schedule son's schedule is may depend partly on which teacher you use for AP Literature. My dd took Maya Inspektor's English Language class through PAHS this year and it is a great class, but it has taken many hours of work. We had allocated for 10, which seemed like a lot, but it's often gone well beyond that, especially during the first half of the year. My dd has made huge progress with her writing that she never probably would have made within one year otherwise, but had I known what the time commitment would actually be for her at this point, I wouldn't have signed her up for this class. In hindsight, I'm glad she had this opportunity because she's benefitted so much from it, but I never would have knowingly put her through the workload she's had this year. She's absolutely loved the class, and really dug in and wanted to stay in it "no matter what", lol, but she won't be taking AP Lit next year because I don't want to repeat the crazy year we've had this year. I'm sure there are kids that get all the work done for this class in 5 hours a week, but I know there are many who spend a ton of time on it. Now, maybe Maya's AP Lit isn't as time consuming as AP Lang. I don't know because I haven't looked into it. I'm just assuming it likely is. But, there are other teachers for AP Lang that get good reviews who don't demand the same sort of workload, so I'm sure there are for AP Lit. Honestly, though, many of the PAHS classes seem like they take about 10 hours a week from what I've read so, like you, we are limiting them to one or two a year.


On the other hand, one very nice thing about DO is that you can start in the summer so that you have some flexibility during the school year. Even if you don't, you still have some flexibility since it's self-paced. That's the route I think we may go for AP Calc this year.





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