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So what's working well for your kids these days?

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Not sure if anyone remembers me, it has been a long time since I have posted! I try to pop in now and then and read what all I can. It is of no surprise to me that all of your kiddos seem to be making great gains. Which of course is due to each of you putting in such dedicated effort and being tireless advocates for your kids. Hope you all are doing well.


We are good. Ds who has ASD is 12 now and continues to make steady gains and has thrived at his school which is specifically for kids with HFA. It has been a great fit for us. They just had a science fair a couple of weeks ago and ds did a fabulous job with his project and presenting it to everyone in attendance.


I am just starting to put together some plans for things to work on this summer with him and thought I would stop by to see what ideas I could gather from here, where so many are always shared. So please do tell me what all are you reading these days? Any materials your kids are having great success with?

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Hey, of course we remember you!!!  You were pivotal in helping us!!  I'm so glad to hear his school experience is going really well!!  :)


Funny that you're making summer plans. I need to too. My worker switches to her summer schedule end of April, early May, and I was suggesting to her that we do some weekly themes to keep it fun and spicy, a new theme every week. Did you ever do anything like that? You did LitWits, right? Hadn't thought about it, but they could work. I'm concerned about reinventing the wheel, lol.


Coding is sort of ageless. We're using some DK books on Scratch. 


Does he have a sport for the summer? He used to swim, right? In our area, swim team is really low key in the summer. We have triathlon, where you swim, bike, run. 


Does he have someone he can work for a bit or apprentice with? 


Does he need to work on life skills? You could have life skills theme weeks, like cooking, 1st aid, boating safety, handyman, etc. 


Will your area have drama camps or anything fun? Does the school offer anything? Can you travel? If you could travel a bit, he could blog and maybe apply his social skills and new skills in new ways. Might be adventurous.


I've been looking at the Boy Scout merit badges. http://bsaprepared.com/BSA_PREPARED/MB_Difficulty.html  You can find the books with requirements for free online. Obviously you're not a boy scout if you're doing it on your own, but still it's something. I thought it could serve our purpose. 


Anything with camping, outdoor stuff would be good...

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Hi OhE! That is exactly on the lines I am thinking. I want to have some theme type weeks, ds loves that kind of thing and life skills are always high on my list.


Ds is still swimming. He and his dad do 1200m before school every morning. They are working up to 1500m (well ds can do it, but he is wearing his dad out, lol). Our area has a couple of triathlons for kids. I am going to see if his one friend would like to do that with him. Would be great to get them together for training sessions. Thanks for that idea!


His physio is running a summer camp so he will do that again this year and he will have one week at a half day camp that his OT clinic is running, other than that he will be with us.


Lit wits would be awesome for your son. We really enjoyed the ones we did. I should go check out what all they are offering these days. That would be great for summer.


Is your son still into gymnastics? I remember that was such a good outlet for him.


Hi Marie! Yikes your oldest is really 13 now! The years sure are short. Both those books look great, I will have to check them out.


Love that both you ladies mention coding. I have just started to learn along side ds who has been doing some at school. That is on my list of summer activities as well.

Edited by Jennifer-72
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The trick for me with the themes is figuring out how to connect it. Like I wanted non-fiction, a movie, maybe some writing prompts, a craft, that kind of thing. For summer, anything that you have 12 or 13 of works. He might like Shakespeare. With dd around that age she got really into opera, like REALLY into it. You just never know, lol. I used some kid versions of the opera stories. There was a book by Fiery At the Opera It's only $6 on amazon right now! It's fabulous. 


We also got into the light opera stuff. There's a college near us that does it, but you might have something like that, something with the arts. Then you're kind of exploring  your social, etc. too. Stories of Gilbert and Sullivan Operas Bulla has a couple books we used of the Gilbert & Sullivan stories. Then you could watch videos or attend performances.

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I remember you! It's nice to see you here again, and I am glad to hear your son is doing so well.


I don't have a lot of summer (light) resources to offer though. My son will have tutoring over the summer, so we probably won't do anything except keep piano going and start trombone lessons. He spent last summer doing some "charity wage" jobs for a neighbor, and this summer he has a more formal lawn mowing arrangement (for better pay), and opportunities to do odd jobs for another elderly neighbor. He has also been volunteering on his own and with the youth at church (thrift store work and cleaning for another ministry). 


I guess my only suggestions would be for social and life skills (if that is a current goal), and that is to find a place to volunteer or do small jobs that provides an environment acceptable for a learner. If the jobs are in an area of special interest (my son loves working, maintenance, etc.), then it's easily rewarding.

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I remember you! It's nice to see you here again, and I am glad to hear your son is doing so well.


I don't have a lot of summer (light) resources to offer though. My son will have tutoring over the summer, so we probably won't do anything except keep piano going and start trombone lessons. He spent last summer doing some "charity wage" jobs for a neighbor, and this summer he has a more formal lawn mowing arrangement (for better pay), and opportunities to do odd jobs for another elderly neighbor. He has also been volunteering on his own and with the youth at church (thrift store work and cleaning for another ministry).


I guess my only suggestions would be for social and life skills (if that is a current goal), and that is to find a place to volunteer or do small jobs that provides an environment acceptable for a learner. If the jobs are in an area of special interest (my son loves working, maintenance, etc.), then it's easily rewarding.

How awesome for your son!


I haven't really thought of having him volunteer this summer. I guess I keep thinking with his very scattered strengths and weaknesses that wouldnt really be an option for him till another couple of years, but I should try to rethink that. There must be some kind of opportunity that would work well for him. Sigh, the work of trying to find that just right challenge never ends, 😀. Thanks!

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It is nice to see you again! Glad things are going well :)


My little guy is 8 now. School is going well. Playing with the dog is going well and a favorite. He was working on listening comprehension a lot over the last year, and now he is much more engaged in listening to books, and really following along with the plots of some easier books (yet harder than what we could do a year ago). So I am reading him stories whenever I can :)

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How awesome for your son!


I haven't really thought of having him volunteer this summer. I guess I keep thinking with his very scattered strengths and weaknesses that wouldnt really be an option for him till another couple of years, but I should try to rethink that. There must be some kind of opportunity that would work well for him. Sigh, the work of trying to find that just right challenge never ends, 😀. Thanks!


I think it largely depends on the opportunities available and how accommodating the people on the receiving end are. My son started volunteering with his behaviorist, though he had done some small jobs here and there on other occasions. He's also done a lot of work in general because he likes to work. The behaviorist we had at the time was the one to come up with the volunteering idea, not me. 


Don't sweat it if he's not ready, but don't underestimate what he might be able to do in the right setting in the future--it's good practice. 


A lot of my fellow SN parents where I live are at the age for transition services, so I've been hearing a lot about job skills and working, so it's on our radar a little earlier, I think. 

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It is nice to see you again! Glad things are going well :)


My little guy is 8 now. School is going well. Playing with the dog is going well and a favorite. He was working on listening comprehension a lot over the last year, and now he is much more engaged in listening to books, and really following along with the plots of some easier books (yet harder than what we could do a year ago). So I am reading him stories whenever I can :)

Enjoy story time! How fun and what great news about his increased engagement.

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