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The Teachers Lounge 3-15-2017


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Beware the Ides of March!

(the day that Caesar was killed by his best friend, Brutus. With friends like that . . . )


What are you all up to this morning? Here: I woke up around 6am, took the dog for a short walk. Would have been longer but she didn't like something about the moon this morning. Then did a little Bible study. Now working on my herbalist studies but taking a break for some healthy-fat-loaded breakfast to help my brain!


I know inquiring minds want to know, so I'll tell you: dd18 LOVED being with the horses again yesterday! She's a hefty girl so getting up on the horse is still a bit difficult for her but she managed! As we work on her muscular strength and focus on healthier eating choices, it will ALL get better!


Has anyone been in touch with luuknam? I'm wondering why we haven't heard from him in awhile.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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At the rheumatologist this morning I said it was the Ides of March when Caesar was killed by his friend and the receptionist looked at the date and said, "Oh, yes!  It is!" and we had this moment of shared knowledge lol


This morning: Ani had her rheumatologist appointment.  We have more diagnoses.  In addition to the POTS, Celiac, and jacked up neck (4 messed up discs), she has Ehlers-Danlos and fibromyalgia.  So we've got medication and a treatment plan.  She sees the neurosurgeon next week to deal with the neck issues.  This has been a LONG process getting to diagnoses and treatment options.  I will forever be grateful to the friend of a friend who puts us on the path to structural when we knew something was wrong, but the doctor kept saying she was healthy and fine (because her blood tests ARE fine).  The rheumatologist is a soft-spoken older gentleman.  He sympathized with all she's going through and promised her he will help her get better and be able to lead a more normal life.  There's a reason we waited 7 weeks to see him (as an established patient - he's who diagnosed her Celiac over two years ago).  He is in very high demand because he is really good at what he does.


I haven't seen luuknam recently either...

Edited by Butter
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So I decided to go on an impromptu "short" hike. Well, the hike was short but I wound up being gone for about 3 hours. 

Stopped and chatted with a gal mid-hike and then after the hike, went in to the Visitors Center, then stopped at the plant nursery

to talk to their resident herbalist about what plants I SHOULD be growing on my balcony. Oh, the day is getting away from me!  . . . 

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Hey Scrap, Butter, et al. Sorry I haven't been around. Been busy with this, and then that, and today's election day (I've got quite a thread about it over on the Politics social group).


Oh, and I shoveled a foot of snow yesterday, and another foot today (partly because of the wind blowing the snow on the parts I shoveled yesterday).

Edited by luuknam
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Okay, I always assumed luuknam was a woman. :huh: Now that that's out of the way...


Today I stood on an Ikea table and read Oh, Captain, My Captain because my children didn't want to watch Dead Poets Society with me. :glare:  No, it didn't change their mind.  They just think I'm crazy now.


Took the youngest to violin.  His teacher is rather elderly (like a big, warm, grandpa) and the kid loves him.  I told him how sorry I was going to be when we had to leave and teacher was very surprised that we were moving.  Last month I gave him our 3 month notice about it.  This month our 2 month.  I figure next month I'll start counting down weekly.  Also found out that yes, the 7yo has been telling the truth.  He can tune his own darn violin, tyvm mom, and I just need to let him do it. :o To be fair, I thought he had inherited some of my non-musical ability until the other night when I attempted to play one of his new pieces and the kid took the instrument in disgust and played a hundred times better than me.  He's still iffy, but it's better than my iffy.


Still painting today.  Still loathing it.

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Okay, I always assumed luuknam was a woman. :huh: Now that that's out of the way...


Today I stood on an Ikea table and read Oh, Captain, My Captain because my children didn't want to watch Dead Poets Society with me. :glare:  No, it didn't change their mind.  They just think I'm crazy now.


I think gender is dumb and will respond to any pronoun. Fun mental image of you standing on the table - sorry it didn't work out. 


HomeAgain, you've inspired me! Roadtrip to IKEA, anyone??



What, all the way to Pittsburgh? (actually, there's one closer in Canada, but it's still a 1.5 hour drive or so, and I don't particularly want to leave the country atm)

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Today I stood on an Ikea table and read Oh, Captain, My Captain because my children didn't want to watch Dead Poets Society with me. :glare:  No, it didn't change their mind.  They just think I'm crazy now.


When Ani studied that poem I made her read it standing on a chair.  She thought I was nuts.



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When Ani studied that poem I made her read it standing on a chair.  She thought I was nuts.




We have the Poetry For Young People set of books and I recently acquired the Walt Whitman one.  Thumbing through I realized my kids have memorized lots of his poems, just not that one.  So sad.  :P


Scrap, I'd love to road trip to Ikea.  Right now our nearest is 5 hours away, sadly, and my hatchback won't carry nearly enough.  When I move I'll be an hour away again, thank goodness (and have access to my husband's larger vehicle!)


I cursed my way through finishing the laundry room.  Now the dining room is up, and the nice flat walls will be a welcome contrast to having to scoot behind the washer.


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Good evening, all! I had such a busy day, I never made it on here.


Scrap, I'm glad your dd loves the riding! 


Butter, I'm glad you are getting diagnoses so that you can move forward with treatment. 


I love IKEA, and thankfully, I'm just an hour from the Atlanta location. And my MIL lives 20 minutes from one. If we move to live near her in a few years like dh wants, it will be nice to be so close to one.


This morning I had to go get two new tires, take ds to get new shoes, get a white cami for me because I can't find the one I own, and pick up eggs from a local person. We had to do school and get to church tonight. 


I leave tomorrow to work at the Greenville homeschool convention, so I probably won't be on for awhile. And some of my family comes Sunday for us to go to gardens nearby on Monday. I'll see you all next week and hope you have a great weekend! 

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