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When the brain does not agree with the heart, decluttering is emotional


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Saturday, I took 2 minivan (with back seats laid down) full trips to charity. It was hard. I took baby clothes, baby blankets, play kitchen, doll house (fisher price, but was not for Little People, it was bigger than that), lots of clothes, high chair, etc. I survived. I still kind of question some of the things, like one baby blanket in particular. But yeah, gave all that. Today, upon being unable to get the Wii to work, I figured it was my chance to sell off the Wii games and clear out a cupboard. But when I got to Game Stop, as the person working there pulled out each game, I thought about how this child wanted this game for months and it was a big deal for us to spend that much money on it and how that child loved playing this game, and how even I managed to get all through Mario Galaxy, and how each child had to have every Lego game, etc. I got teary eyed. Completed that sale and told them the Wii did not work. They said they would buy it anyway, they could use parts. So I gave it to them and they plugged it in. It worked!!! I broke out crying and said "but I already sold you all the games, it is too late." The kind manager who was actually working with me said I could have all the games back and I could just give him the cash back. Of course I went for it. But I already know the kids are not even playing with it at home. I know the younger kids try, but the older kids do not play with it. And I clearly had set it up wrong because I could not get it to work myself. But, I took it all back. I brought it home. I cannot get anyone to get off their computers long enough to look at the Wii or get it going. I also cannot get husband off his computer long enough to help me. So, I guess I now I have a box full of Wii stuff back.


Maybe I just have decluttered too much too fast so I was just not ready. I think I will leave it all in the box next to that TV and see if I can muster up any interest in it and when I am ready, rid of this too. Maybe all this will be easier to rid of if I give to a friend I know will enjoy it rather than trying to sell.

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I have a couple boxes of Sentimental Items.  As long as you are reasonable and don't try to stuff everything in the Sentimental Box, it's ok to keep some things.


The Wii games were too sentimental right now.  Let go of the easy stuff first.  



Edited by Garga
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Some people do better when they declutter quickly, kind of like ripping a bandaid off. I am not that kind of declutterer. I need time to make sure I'm making the right decision.  Sure, it takes more time, but it's the way that works for me.  So maybe you're like me, at least with some things. 


Sorry you can't get them to care about the wii. Dh and I have found we're more emotionally attached to some of our kids' stuff than they are. (I'm looking at you, dollhouse that we built by hand in the basement to surprise dd for Christmas!!)



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Dh and I have found we're more emotionally attached to some of our kids' stuff than they are.





OP, I have learned that the electronics become obsolete REALLY fast. As long as it sits there, unused, it's playing mind games with you. Sell it and don't look back. Out of sight, out of mind.

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