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Standardized tests?


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Can someone link me to a thread comparing these? Or if you'd like, give me a run-down on them? I've never done them, or researched them, but I've found out that our new state (we just moved) requires them. Which would be best for a 6th grader who has never taken one? Thank you!

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I like the Stanford Achievement Test because it is untimed.


Does your state require outside test administration or can you administer it yourself?

Good question...thank you! I looked it up and it only states that a 'nationally standardized achievement test must be administered annually'. So I'm assuming that means I can do it.

I think my DS would like the untimed aspect. Do you use/recommend the computer or paper Stanford?

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We have done the paper Stanford and it was a real slog ... because it was untimed, it seemed to take FOREVER. I liked how detailed the score report was, though.


We most recently did the online CAT which was less time-consuming but the data report fairly broad and not as useful as the Stanford.


I'm thinking of doing the online Stanford this year to get the best of both worlds. :)

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My kids have done the CAT (CAT-5 survey, a short version) and last year DS did the ITBS.   DS's results were virtually identical between the two tests, but the ITBS is a longer test that takes longer to administer.   They will both do the ITBS this year, and this will likely be DS's last year before I begin using the SAT and/or ACT as his test for our end-of-year evaluation.   I want DD to start taking the ITBS so she gets experience with a longer test.

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I used CAT couple times because it was cheaper, shorter, and meet the state requirement. I liked IOWA test better personally. Maybe it provides more sub-scores which allows me to see my students' strong aspects as well as weak. Here is the sample IOWA score report.

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I really like the info I got from the Woodcock-Johnson.



I'm pretty sure you need a psychologist to administer that 1-1, making it one of the most expensive ways to deal with annual testing requirements (also, in my state, the W-J is only accepted in combination with some other test, the name of which I don't remember). 

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Good question...thank you! I looked it up and it only states that a 'nationally standardized achievement test must be administered annually'. So I'm assuming that means I can do it.

I think my DS would like the untimed aspect. Do you use/recommend the computer or paper Stanford?

I did the paper one, haven't done the computer version to compare.


We did not do it all in one day.

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I'm pretty sure you need a psychologist to administer that 1-1, making it one of the most expensive ways to deal with annual testing requirements (also, in my state, the W-J is only accepted in combination with some other test, the name of which I don't remember). 


We have a lady who has been trained to do it, but is definitely not a psychologist.  She does it for many of the homeschoolers in the area.  She came to my house.  :)  

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We have a lady who has been trained to do it, but is definitely not a psychologist.  She does it for many of the homeschoolers in the area.  She came to my house.   :)



Huh. Good to know I guess? Celery's only had it done by the school psych, and everyone else I'd heard of had it done by either school psychs or neuropsychs.



I know states vary, but is there a certain one that is usually acceptable in most states? We move often and I'm just thinking maybe I could start with one that will work everywhere to get my kids familiar with it.



The CAT/TerraNova and ITBS/Iowa are accepted very widely - the Stanford one probably is too, but I'm not as familiar with that one. I will say though that out of those options, the CAT/TerraNova is is the only one parents can administer without having a bachelor's degree (which is why it's the test we use). 


Looks like no-one has mentioned the PASS yet. I'm not sure how widely that one is accepted, but it is in NY, and we're considered to be a high-reg state - and you don't need a bachelor's for that one either. 


ETA: so according to the link that someone posted while I wrote this, the CAT6/TerraNova is not accepted in all states, but the CAT5 is. 

Edited by luuknam
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Huh. Good to know I guess? Celery's only had it done by the school psych, and everyone else I'd heard of had it done by either school psychs or neuropsychs.


There is a different person than we use who administers it in the local homeschool store's room.  So I'm sure it's not a psych-only thing.



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